Coming up on 33 here, and I love this damn country, despite all its problems. The United States has always had a weird relationship with the values it strives for, but also has a remarkably good track record of bouncing back from shitty times. Our democracy has been in danger numerous times before, and it has still held together. And that's why I'll fight like hell to make this country better, no matter who wins this November.

I can't own either one of these in my jurisdiction. My M1 Garand, Smith & Wesson, and various black powder pieces work just fine for me.

Looking to leave the US for obvious reasons

Come on.

You're trading the possibility of one authoritarian for the certainty of an authoritarian movement having a significant amount of power if you bounce to France. Le Pen and her ilk are just as bad as Trump, if not worse. The rise of the far-right is everywhere, friend - not just in the US.

Gas prices have been all over the place the past few years - there have been plenty of ups and downs. This has nothing to do with fuel costs.

Semite Wars Episode 1: A Jew Hope

Semite Wars Episode 2: The Empire Kills Jesus

Semite Wars Episode 3: Return of the Prophet

And who can forget.... Spaceballs (The Book of Mormon).

Lol, rando on internet thinks actual transit engineer doesn't know transit.

Have a nice life.

Friedman was a right-wing hack, but thanks for playing.

Bullshit. The highway system gets more funding in one year than Amtrak has received in 50. What makes highways "basic infrastructure," but not inter-city rail? Most other developed countries operate their rail networks through state-owned companies, after all.

For someone who claims to love high-speed rail, you really seem to hate high-speed rail.

All of the above modes of transport are also subsidized in some form. Tax dollars pay for highways, air traffic control, and upkeep of airports. And don't get me started on Essential Air Services sibsidies.

But that doesn't fit your narrative, doesn't it?

No passenger rail system on the planet runs without some form of a subsidy, whether it's cross-subsidized within a private company (see Japan), fully state-owned (see France), or a public-private partnership (the UK).

Quit being a Heritage Foundation shill - it's diametrically opposed to your claim to love high-speed rail.

But what do I know - I just work in the business.

Man, my wife and I picked the perfect time to buy a home in this city.

Greater Boston

There are two types of people.

Those who can extrapolate from an incomplete dataset, and

Greater Boston

White nationalists and Nazis are one and the same.

Also, username checks out.

Greater Boston

Nazis aren't people.

I suppose this is one advantage of the Second Amendment. In times like this, it helps to be armed. Do we need to be armed? Probably not. But it beats being caught unarmed.

I work in transit and will second this. That said, it used to be someone or something getting hit every 90 minutes.

Every sitting President throughout the Cold War undoubtedly ordered at least one extrajudicial killing.

Don't make this about Obama.

I lived in the UK for grad school for 2 years and had a freaking blast. That said, the bureaucratic hoops to jump through for just a student visa were kinda weird. And this is a country that has the "Special Relationship" with the US.

It's not that easy to set up shop overseas. Would I live overseas again given the chance? Probably - it's fun. But I'm not deluding myself into thinking that the situation in the US isn't happening all across the globe.

Duolingo is definitely a fun hobby. A full-on language course, it is not. 😆

The situation in France honestly spooks me even more than what I'm seeing on my side of the Atlantic. Le Pen scares me.

I've been saying this for a while to my fellow Americans. The rise of the far-right is not a uniquely American thing - it's everywhere.