Good luck either way! Some good options that other folks have mentioned 

Why? No. I learned on BASIC. It was fine. Any language is fine to start.

Yea, you will have better luck asking for specifics ("what's the best paint and sip place near sandy springs?" etc) rather than a big open ended question about any sort of couples activity throughout the whole city.

Honestly, have you tried just googling? Atlanta is a huge metro, there are tons of places all around the city that fit the things you're looking for.

No one will care or ask. Just pack them along with your toiletries like any other meds. Airport security isn't in the business of advertising what medicines people have to other travellers.

You can get rods at walmart for like next to nothing. You probably won't find rentals because they're so cheap to just buy outright.

Sounds like there is no technical leadership to be found anywhere? Normally there would be something like a tech lead or EM to communicate with business leads about what is/isn't possible and in what timeframe, and also set the process for the developers themselves.

This sounds like a company that said "we need software, so we'll hire a software engineer. done!".

99.9% of this is perfectly safe. I only didn't say 100 because I don't like to deal in absolutes.

Pick any hotel chain along the way, you'll be just fine.

+1 to staying in Chicago for a night though, cool city.

There are millions of people with wealthy/connected parents that don't go on to be billionaires.

You can recognize that there was a head start over most people, but it doesn't take away from the actual accomplishments they achieved IMO.

Like, Bezos got $300k in seed capital! Oh the horror! Do you have any idea how many millions of $300k seed rounds have happened since the 90s? Shitloads. Even today, any normal person with an idea, a small product demo, and an initial customer willing to pay can land a $300k seed round fairly easily.

19 months is too young for the beach, IMO. It's all just work on the parents until the kids are like 3. Ours are 3 and 5, we did a week at the beach last month, and were literally dragging them back to the house because they didn't want to come in.

Honestly, have you considered learning to drive? It might be worth it both for this trip, but also more generally. The US, *especially* the rural US that you want to see, is not setup to be accessed by public transit.

  • Walking straight into the powder room isn't the best

  • Some sort of storage on the main floor would be good

  • On of the bedrooms is missing a closet

Otherwise for a simple apartment layout it seems alright.

You can pick any city in the world and tell yourself a story about why being a tourist there will have some sort of negative impact.

In reality, it doesn't.

CDMX is awesome, just go.

Do both. Seriously. Go now. Start working and saving. Do it again.

No one says you can't.

+1 to LIC (Long Island City). Take the ferry into Manhattan.  Super easy. 

Yep that’s always a challenge. You either have an idea that isn’t landing with your target market, or you aren’t able to reach your target market effectively. You’ll have to figure out which one it is and how you want to move forward 

How do you validate your ideas before investing time into it?

Exactly how you're doing it. Create a simple landing page, see if you can get people to take interest in it.

Seems like in this case...they're not.

Locally he was known as Mandy Patinkin (after the actor). Tracked him down in the park a few times with friends, it was fun.

You should be asking the hotel, not the internet :)

Answer: Maybe. But probably not.

enable sales teams

Tell me more about the sales teams for SaaS < 100 customers

Pro tip - your kids are gonna put all sorts of weird crap in their mouth. The less you stress about it, the better.

I went IC > EM (2 years) > IC

Honestly, don’t overthink it. Tell people the truth, which for me was: “it was a great experience leading the team but being a manager meant that I stopped doing all of the things I loved about software, and I’m ready to get back to building things.”

You can also (truthfully) acknowledge that being an EM for some time only makes you a stronger IC because you understand more of the context around how decisions are made, etc.