On a late season tip I tried hitting up this place.

This place is legit. Family owned, small shop - they've got a luchador mask by the register and pinatas hanging from the ceiling. These are corn husk tamales, the masa is done well, the chicken and pork were sufficiently spicy, and they were basically what we were looking for. The only downside is that they're larger than we'd normally get in my wife's part of Texas, but the shop owners are from southern Mexico so maybe its just a regional thing.

They also make fresh guac and their own fried tortilla chips, both of which were amazing and I bought huge tub of guac, some chips, and a burrito.

A++ would compare favorably to buying tamales out of the back of someone's car at walmart. These are the best tamales we’ve found in the area in 15 years living here.

Here’s photos of the dozen I picked up https://www.reddit.com/user/SelfDestructSep2020/comments/18qz7dj/tamales/  https://www.reddit.com/user/SelfDestructSep2020/comments/18s8geo/tamaleopened/