3085 days
  1. I proudly have never had a drink in my 30's!
3085 days

In my POV, you can only not drink with someone today. Tomorrow may never come, so sobriety today is my only option.

It is not me saying that I might drink tomorrow, but merely what I will (not) do today.

Thanks for making me think!


You did the right thing. I would suggest mentioning your reasoning, as well.

Sorry you hd to dealt with that, but good luck in finding a good job!

3085 days

I still occasionally feel jealous when it seems someone can really just enjoy one or 2 and stop, but mostly I just feel sad for them.

Have you tried.tapping the starter with a hammer? It could be a stuck solenoid. The tapping wpuld.possibly get it to free up and start, but, I would get it rebuilt or replaced asap.

95 4.0 new driveshaft

Just put a nice chunk of change on my 95 with a new driveshaft, rear brakes and tires.

I had to put the old stock wheels on after breaking a lug nut on my wide tired wheels, as well as having concerns about the future of my wheel bearings with the spacers on.. I removed the spacers, as well.

The stocks are a bit rusty, and I want to sand them a but and paint them black. What is the best paint for this job? Any opinions on rust hardener before painting them?

I also will be painting the hood black, likely flat, as the clear coat is currently coming off of the hood only.

Any help is appreciated

Help canceling plan
Reddit removed post

What is a disorder in medical terms?

(dis-OR-der) In medicine, an abnormal condition that affects the body's function but may or may not have specific signs and symptoms. A disorder may indicate that a specific disease is present, but there is usually not enough evidence to make a diagnosis.

Learn to comprehend, mate.

They never claimed it was a diagnosis, just that people suffer from it.

What's the point of commenting this?

Texans aren't the only ones who like tamales, fyi!

I read the title and thought YTA.

After reading the story, it's even more evident that YTA.

Amex did a similar thing to me when Amazon delivered me a completely different and much lesser product.


Who cares you fucking twatwaffle?

Edit: Downvote all you want, but we know they are a twatwaffle for acting like they are doing a favor by correcting OP

Thank you all for the input! I will start one tonight!

Frozen ferments

Do any of you have opinions or anecdotes on using frozen peppers to ferment into hot sauce?

This is not a new thing. I first saw it at least 5 years ago. It makes cute little egg toppers for your ramen!

Your edit to add that "selling it was always the next step" is the arrogant icing on the cake. YTA

Always consult your partner on major life decisions, such as selling the house you live in.

It seems that YTA here.

Although it may seem like he overreacted about a spoon, it likely isn't just about the spoon.

It seems that he just wants you to put in some effort to match his efforts towards you.

I can very much empathize with his position and I hope you all can figure it out soon. I can assure you it is not an easy thing for him to deal with.

Is this a real post? You seem like a neckbeard saying shit like this.

If you are tipping, keep it standard across the board.

I am very happy to hear ths!

Also, fuck your housing prices and I hope you are super uncomfortable around those that are less fortunate than you.

Move if you don't like it, at least you have that luxury!

I think the whole scenario is bizarre, personally.

Your wedding guests are going to do as they please.

A wedding isn't some magical thing, the same way having children isn't.