You can take the SEPTA regional rail to Trenton, and then transfer to a NJ transit train which should stop at Princeton junction station, the NJ transit line is called the northeast corridor I think. From there, Uber to your workplace.

I had some friends in undergrad who lived in a six bedroom room house next to Wally’s. They loved it.

There’s a few Tamil Sangams in Massachusetts, not Tamil but know a bunch around here

Yea that’s a news vehicle, saw quite a few of these when I lived in Philly, they were white tho

Yes Kook emphasizes being black owned when they do their marketing

I saw these at the North Brunswick Costco when I was in NJ a few weeks ago, they’re solid.

Hell nah, Just go to planet fitness for 10 a month. Even the black card there is 24.99 a month

I’ve been there before a few times, alright pizza,