:PL:Premier League

All competitions are slightly dodgy because FIFA is dodgy, not much else to it I'm afraid

People follow the premier league mostly because of the players, not much else to be honest

:PL:Premier League

Saw Liverpool play there a month or so ago, cool place and the Liverpool fans made it pop

Welp, you don't get that in Copa America! Touché! Maybe we can start some Maduro chants to compete

So like, low key but VIX has all euro and copa games for $5 a month. It's in Spanish but who cares, even if I didn't speak Spanish, I would probably still do VIX

Don't let the door hit you in the ass - classic boss bitch

What my dad always called defensive driving, I do the same in my car and twice as cautious when I am on a motorcycle- because even if it's technically someone else's fault, it's my life at stake, not the guy in the big truck

Nope, not American but not sure how that's relevant

Yup, I don't have a problem with it but my sense is some people do. - Já agora, alguém me explica o que disse de errado acima?

Based on the monarchic flag colors instead of the republican flag, I agree it looks better but the messaging is problematic IMHO

Great question! I think it's because alcohol abuse is rampant and socially accepted in the UK. This is not acceptable behavior in Europe, specially as a visitors to a foreign country but I guess the English thing is to tread all countries as their own back yard

Retirement age is 67. No need to think any harder on this

I know it's unlikely anyone will read this but I've been thinking about it since yesterday and I think the largest reason is economy and geography. Moving around in Europe is much easier via public transport, with a strong rail network and plenty of low cost flight option, since it's a much smaller swath of land than the entire American continent (in the case of this Copa).

There are other reason I'm sure but I would venture this is the largest, coupled with the lower spending power of fans.

Those honkers are doing a great job on their own!

Yeah... looks like they waited for his hips to complete go before "retiring" him, not really how that works...

I was at the game last night and while before the game started, the stadium was buzzing, as soon as the game started you could hear a pin drop. It really bothered me, there was a nice swath of Argentina fans that were jumping and shouting for a few minutes at the start and then they too went quiet.

Not sure why to be honest, I think the reasons OP provided are mostly true, except the first one about the fan quality. There is huge variation but Argentina and Brazil fans are as passionate as any European team.

I think the fact that there were very few Canadians there, made it sort of feel like it was a crowd of Argentina fans enjoying the game together. It was like 90-10 split

Ah yes! The famous Mbappe Hill! Many are buried there!

"Argentina haven't played games of great quality to reach the World Cup. In South America football isn't as advanced as Europe. That's why if you look at the last World Cups it's always the Europeans that win." - Mbappe, 2022 ☠️

But yeah, for sure, Denmark are stronger than Canada IMHO. That being said, I think our finishing was extremely poor yesterday and should have been 4 or 5 nil for us. Missed three 1-1 situations with the keeper. I had a ton of fun at the stadium though! Canadian fans were extremely nice, per their reputation, and the vibe was great.