Haha after I wrote that, I finally went ahead and concentrated on getting one to spawn. Took a little but I got one, just as I turned level 50 so I can actually use the parts I’ve been collecting. Bought the Liberty Prime skin to celebrate. Hooray!

I don’t even have a power armor chassis. I’ll have a pretty swank set of armor when I have something to hold the bits I do have together though!

I got a Glowing Minotaur at my first Fasnacht so I guess I never felt that “I’ll never get one” feeling

Robot is the one mask I hope to get that seems achievable (there are others that aren’t Glowing that seem to have tiny drop rates).

I’ve run dozens of Parades, never got one, only ever seen one in the Donation box for a fraction of a second.

It could just be RNGesus toying with me though.

I come out of Fasnacht with more ammo than I go in, usually. And I am actively participating.

I only needed one run to get a Glowing mask

That’s the R part for you

You have to hold the Fasnacht spirit in your hearts, like a tiny bonfire

I figured out how to turn my C.A.M.P. into a way to farm ammo from an Event that spawns nearby continually

Even as a kid I thought it was weird that they showed the guy throwing a full-on temper tantrum and kicking a chair over.

I’m supposed to want to be like that manbaby?

That’s great info and maybe one day I will make it a point to check up on them

Because I’m brand-new to the game and I just kind of let the Challenges happen when they happen?

I’m just wearing my Vault suit with some cobbled-together armor.

I only started playing like two weeks ago.

I’ve never ever seen a glowing mask in the donation box.

I have seen Robots, Unicorns, and other hard-to-get non-glowing masks.

I’ve also been about 50/50 with people just scooping anything out of the box immediately. Plenty of times it’s civilized and people seem to leave stuff they don’t need/want alone.

It’s very funny to me how much hate the beret gets because as soon as I got one I fell in love and have been a Fasnacht Helvetian Guard Commando ever since

And now I probably always will be

May his memory be a blessing

If it helps, I have decided to randomly drop you a mask you already have and a plan you don’t care about

Happy Fasnacht!

FO76 feels right down the middle somehow

I mean, in my dim memory of the time before this interminable Xbox outage

Shoot a bunch of frogs in front of her, light a bonfire in the driveway

Get mad because the mask she gives you doesn’t light up

Little Tijuana

I went to Wisconsin where they have “Boston Store” which is a really shitty department store

Think Filene’s Basement with absolutely no class, even for a midwestern trailer park

My first Fasnacht I got a Glowing mask (Minotaur)

I got the Butter Churn

I got a second Butter Churn plan today

I’m pretty happy

Ironically one of my complaints about FO4 is that it doesn’t feel as lonely as FO3

I will never not be of the opinion that Daniel Way read Garth Ennis’ comics and took all the wrong lessons from them