So. I need to report. I know that, I’m a mandated reporter. It’s my first year subbing but I know that much.

Today while subbing elementary in kindergarten an aid grabbed a little boy (autistic) by the jaw and pulled forcibly while screaming no in his face. I was so frozen. I had 20 other students in my class so I had to keep them calm and control the situation.

The aide was yelling at him because he wouldn’t color. I was not forcing them to at all. He was genuinely afraid of her.

How do I even begin because I don’t even know how to get started. I’m bout to Google DHS.

On the way hand if it was my baby I’d be so mad. I still am because alll my kids are my baby!

But I keep thinking (cuz she’s old 80ish) and clearly doesn’t like her job. Maybe she can’t retire and that’s why she’s working. Maybe she’s got grandkids or something to support. My grandmother raised me.

Maybe she’s having a bad day. Or maybe she does this on the regular.

The guilt is clawing at my tummy.

It’s my job to report I know.

But someone’s baby is at risk. She needs to be moved. He frustrates her clearly. I don’t wanna destroy anyone’s life of course, but I keep overthinking badly.



Guys. I am going to report. I was always going to report. I feel guilty about it but what she did was entirely out of line.

It is my job to protect the babys.