and yet cheetoface begins by saying he has “no idea” before he walks both sides. What a f up of plasma.

Mandatory summer reading assignment for all: Caste by Isabele Wilkerson - mind blowing

Seriously, where can I obtain a link to print this “project” out?

Perhaps the OP is not lamenting the parenting of her children or not making progress on her planned for projects.

Rather, I think she may be saying this summer she had planned for was a time for her own self-care needs.

This is not selfish- this is very healthy for her to desire and work for. And her angst over not having her own time to achieve her goals is not wrong- it is 100% okay and not something to feel guilt or shame about.

Pointing out over and over “how fast the time goes,” or “pretty soon they’ll be teenagers going off to college and you’ll want this time back” or “the projects will be there later” is absolutely not helpful. She knows these realities already.

She’s a teacher who gives all of herself to everyone else every minute of the year. She’s a superstar who just needs some quiet for herself, and she’s earned those moments, without the guilt blasting from others.

Bronx Pizza in Hillcrest is God… have the Whitestone with with red pepper flake- that’ll knock you out!

Cash only- no changes to menu - no delivery— and worth it at twice the price.

OJ… I heard it was because his GPA was so low. 😉🤷‍♀️

No- the lies CRY out along with her fake tears.

She is lying. Every state has months of the year when heat cannot be shut off and must be maintained. This is mandated by the health department to prevent illness and death due to extreme weather. She is a liar.

She said she was giving away one of these “bags.” …. These are paper shopping bags, not high end leather goods pictures… is it possible the “winner” would only receive a paper sack? … just a thought.

As a USC Trojan with many perfect USC degrees to support my opinion- ALWAYS blame UCLA and UCLA ALONE… for all that is ill in this or any other world…. UCLA is just wrong.

The Alter… aka as Brookside Bagels… paradise… what they do to a bacon egg and cheese is criminally perfect… the whipped cream cheese is blessed by all that is holy… and the only decent bagels in Connecticut.

Little City—- best mashed potato pizza ever and the steak salad divine… will kikones is the master!


No, there isn’t- especially with interest rates today and very low inventory of homes for sale right now.

Hasn’t been for decades.

Frame of reference:

I have owned in super idyllic Simsbury for 20 years and in just the last few years my 100 year old home, very similar to what you describe seeking, beautiful reno, with schools consistently among the best in the state, has appreciated about $150,000 since 2018.

Truly wish you the best. Try being as patient as you can and the right home with find your family, it’s just gonna take some time and luck.


Thank you. Clarification; it has appreciated in value (another $9,000 over the last 30 days),; and FYI: my tenant is a single mother with 3 school age kids who pays only $1700 with no rent increase since she moved in (August 2018) and I cover the shortage out of pocket- because I am not a garbage human and people need a break when life is a challenge and they are trying to rebuild, like my tenant— so enough with the down votes, please. I am no slum, trumpy landlord.

Zillow and my realtor say I could easily get $2500 without any comment or concern. But, I don’t and eat the shortage each month (so actually a loss) without any tax issues/shenanigans because I am honest, so let’s stop with that, too.

I only contributed to say this: if you can find a way to Simsbury it is wonderful for families- opportunities are few and far between, especially in this market, but they are there and patience pays off.

Best of luck-

I moved back to San Diego (native) and kept my simsbury home (stunning 100 year old farmhouse- completely authentic reno, walking to central/ middle/ high/ school Hopmeadow cc, flats, massaco street), and put a tenant in place in 2018 to pay my 2.75% mortgage for me—- gained nearly $150,000 in profit since. Holding on to that! Got people ringing my phone to check about selling— simsbury ain’t cheap, but that home will sell for a lot of the dollars in a week… as is… no struggles. Hard to find, but… If you can get into da’Bury, it is paradise for families and worth the cost and interest rates. Good luck!

Pause, please. I agree wholeheartedly; however, we are seeking a level of maturity and self-reflection none of those remaining in the vicinity of CP are capable of. The children between RamenHead and Crying Dingbat are being systemically imbued with the culture of victimhood taught to them by the “parents” for decades. It’s all about manipulation and the almighty dollar and gaslighting. Look at how the girls cry and arch their “eyebrows” and intonate their voices just as their weak and lost “mother” does. It is all passed on and is beyond sad and abusive.

Run to and take every one of these below with a “yes, please… ‘cause duck yeah I have earned them!” :

FMLA (Because of that whole work/life balance thing— which is super important in a whole lotta ways)

“I am too well to be at work days.”
(Falsely called “sick” days because Admin and HR are counting on your guilt that you will never use them!)

“Personal” days (How are these lied about as “personal” when you have to put the REASON on the form? … honestly, for the last 10 years I have enough job security and fuck right offs that I simply put this straight out on the form, “ I am having a peek a boo appointment for my vagina. Please do let me know if you require any follow up when I know how that goes.”

Just a garbage sub-human being to put such truly private events and comments out there into the ether- implying her child was the product of SA by their father. Just abusive fame whoring from this waste.

What was your pet deposit/ rent? This assuages damages and your liability done by the pet.

Cannot be charged a cent more than your security deposit and only then with an itemized charge list and attached receipts for materials and labor.

A real, loving, and empathetic father would want what is needed financially to provide for all of his children equally regardless of marital status because it is the right thing to do —- only a shitty fuck like RamenHead would even need a court order for support…

Edit: spelling