Call when they are open. They’ll give you a time to show up and if you don’t show for that one you’ll have a fine or other issue. If you do, you’ll likely be assigned a different month to be on jury duty. The judge may ask why you missed. Just be honest and they should be lenient and kind.

(Mine was rude but I was first in line and he didn’t believe me when I said my summons got lost in the mail but I knew about the jury duty on the day of because a friend happened to also be called and heard my name. He did just scold me for “lying” and then rolled his eyes when I attested it as being true and then assigned me a different month. That trial was settled out of court.)

Jars of Clay Christian Homeschool

My mom made us listen to Where The Red Fern Grows on a road trip once. I don’t remember it well but what I do remember is being terrified half the trip.

Unfortunately the waiting room aspect depends on how bad your self harm is and how busy the ER is, but the general idea is the same. I got right in for suicidal ideations one time but another time I was placed on a bed in the hallway until they could find a spot for me. (That way they could keep eyes on me.) A third time I was brought in by my husband and was left in the waiting room for several hours because I had a safe adult with me.

The hope is you get in right away and the hope is that it’ll be taken seriously and treated with care, of course, but it’s not 100% that it’ll be a quick visit with good results, unfortunately.

This is exactly it. This is the same progression I have seen time and again in abuse situations and it is terrifying that it is part of a trusted institution.

It was so intense, you’re right.

My husband asked me before we watched the episode if I wanted to watch it or not, due to my cPTSD. I said it was fine, assuming it was more hands/mouths/light assault, not violent and graphic rape like it was.

It was unnecessarily graphic and upsetting, even with the trigger warning. The words he used to describe his situation after episode four were wonderful and insightful, but it wasn’t worth the traumatizing scene in my opinion.

I saw it in the US advertised as a dark comedy.

Maybe his “comedy” set was the comedy aspect?

I’m glad to hear it’s still positive. Sending all the good and healing vibes and hoping you can continue to overcome and have major successes like this one!

I think the problem is that the mom is not in the same room so someone needs to cover her room. The teacher can’t leave the other babies to go cover mom and mom can’t care for the other babies while feeding. It isn’t just a switcharoo situation, so it’s not the same as just giving bottles.

I am incredibly proud of you.

I haven’t been able to go back to several of the places I was abused (partly due to lack of access), so I can imagine how difficult this was for you to do.

Fuck him.

You fucking rock.

You’re amazing and a fighter and fuck him for being an asshole. You didn’t deserve that and I am proud of you for working to overcome it.

Jesus Chrysler made my day.

Fun fact, happens even without intellectual delays. My mom lost a kid on a field trip to the local science museum. Three times. Because he was just really good at sneaking away, so he kept doing it. She found him at the same display every time so it was easy to get him back, but my mom never volunteered to chaperone again. 😅

This drives me batty every time we read our Spidey books. I don’t understand!

  1. Yes. Always a good option.

  2. Back legs because pants cover the genitals.

  3. By their shoulders. Some people have long necks, but their bow ties still are at the bottom of their neck.

I have Elhers Danlos, but I also have two autoimmunes.

You’re far from a bad person for setting healthy boundaries.

I’m sorry he’s being an asshole, but it’s not your fault if he dies without you being a part of his life any further. You choosing to not be a part of an abuser’s life is a consequence of his abusive behavior. He made his choice and needs to have consequences for his poor choices.

You’re not bothering me in the least and I am SO glad you have a therapist to help you work through these things now. That’s a huge step forward.

I’m sorry he is still making you feel bad, but if he loses people he cares about because he makes poor choices that’s on him. Not you.

Well, absolutely. That’s legit. But he asks directly for food theory and throws a fit when we put on style theory, even if he is doing something else. It’s quite something.

Yeah, like above said I’d say it’s likely just a these kids’ quirks thing. My three year old AuDHD pandemic baby loves Mister Rogers. He also loves Food Theory on YouTube but has never liked Style Theory, even before recent events changed hosts of the show. 🤷‍♀️

Poor kiddo. Proud of you for doing what’s best for yours and homeschooling to help with mental health! You’re doing great.

Fortunately, my kiddo moved on to a different school. They’re special needs based, so they won’t be pulling any stupid shit like leaving a child unprotected if necessary.

I know the point was to try to keep at least one of us safe, but no way was I ever going to leave him behind and get myself to safety. I also would have made him leave a safe space to try to get somewhere different if we had to hide with other students and he did more to attract attention than anything. We would have done what we could to keep him safe, but also to keep safe all of the other students in his class.

I ended up leaving the school district his last year because the school was abusing him and expected me to as well. I spoke up about what things were happening during several IEP meetings. The parents weren’t happy. The school wasn’t happy. I wasn’t happy and I refused to actively abuse the child, so unfortunately I left before the school year ended. I just wouldn’t continue to do illegal and abusive things like restraining the child on the floor, which, if done incorrectly, can cause suffocation.

I’m thankful he’s now in an environment where he has more support and more specialized care during the school day. I’m hopeful they treat him well and he enjoys his day.

He will be finishing up his freshman year this year.

They really are very good. I remember reading them and rarely knowing the solution to the mystery before it was revealed.

I think it’s, in our case, less an “I don’t care to keep up” and more of a “I don’t know what else to ask, but I care, so I’ll recall the one piece of information I know to be accurate.” 🫠

Yes. Every. Time.

My mom ALWAYS asks me if I am going to get a different job (I am a SAHP) and constantly asks my husband how his thumb injury is doing. The one from over a year ago that has been completely healed for almost a whole year. Or asks how his broken pinkie (from seven years ago) is feeling.

No matter what you decide to go with, I’m proud of you for continuing to try to find good content for yourself! The only way to become a better reader is to read, so keep going. Rock on! Love to see people growing!