Climb back into your mother . Don't tell other people when to have kids

His work uniform is fine. If he can do the black, great! It's the showing up and being there that matters, not what you're wearing. I've been to way too many wakes and funerals and that's what I've seen. We don't care what you wear, just be there

I'm so sorry. Are the midwifes you've contacted any better? I want you to get the compassionate care you need.

I had a POA that had a pretty big crest. He was bred before he was gelded and tended to get excited around strange mares in heat, he didn't act any different when my mare went into heat.

It has a gorgeous waterfall. Don't swim there, there's been a lot of drownings

Unity House is also a great place if you'd like to make donations. Idk about WFTH

I miss lawn Jarts. So what if they could take your eye out, they were fun

Does this other child have younger siblings possibly?

Your child should be doing for themselves and since this is slowing down their desire to do so, talk to the teacher about it. It sounds off

Knight in shining armour! Or cutoff holy jean shorts, idk what you're wearing Mr Knight

Men are safer from bears too, fyi. And thank you from all the Moms, sisters, aunts and daughters. I appreciate what you'd do for us, thank you

Pick a gift game
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My son sometimes says ok Mom, it's time to get up and do something. That helps me but that's because I've asked him for help initiating things

Sounds like it was good natured teasing which is is a lot like what my family does. If they noticed I was feeling bad about the comments I imagine they'd say , it looks good on you, I like it. The headband choice sounds unusual which is bound to cause comments at a family get together or even other places. I'm trying to get a mental picture in my head of what yours looks like.I've always loved headband looks but it feels weird on me, I wish people wore headbands, that would make it more comfortable for me I think.. One of the characters in my favorite book series wears a silver headband with a blue stone in the center of her forehead. In the same series one of the characters people traditional wear a thin leather braided head band. Back to the real world, I think it's traditional for some Native Americans to wear different kinds of headbands.

A high forehead is attractive. A good hairdresser could give you a flattering style that accentuates all of the positives features in your face.

I lived next to a man who makes his living from his art. For comicon one year he made the most beautiful angel wings. They had all white feathers and had to be more than 5 feet because he's a tall man. A tall man walking down the street with those amazing wings. If you're feeling insecure try to channel some of his confidence. The best I could ever do was take it til I made it. It works, a 3 minute smile changes your brain chemistry and makes it happy, taking a Superman stance for a few minutes also gives your brain a boost of confidence.

Plant mint . A lot of mint. It will take over his lawn. Also collect the dandelion heads that have gone to flood and release them on your neighbors lawn

I'm surprised, thanks for the info. I use a Tarte stick blush and it's the only makeup I've paid $30 for because I had a sample and loved it. It goes on super bright but blends to look natural. I use it on my cheeks lips and eyelids without any other makeup and it removes the corpse like tone from my skin. I'll stay away from the ones with the poof on the end, thanks again, I don't have that kind of money to waste on product. I'm sorry you lost out on it