Hi all, my 20-month-old attends a well-regarded AMI school and is potty training, so she only wears her shirt, underwear, and slippers at school. I recently learned at parent/teacher conferences that it’s become the “norm” for a certain 25-month-old to be the one to take off my kid’s pants in the morning and put my kid’s slippers on her, and then to put her pants and regular shoes back on her at the end of the day.

I know that this sort of thing is common/encouraged in mixed age classrooms, but I’m a little bothered because my child had been showing a ton of interest in dressing herself last month, and then all of a sudden it stopped completely and I wasn’t sure why. Also, often when I pick up my child, her shoes aren’t on correctly (the velcro straps are either way too loose or not even closed at all), so she’s tripping in them and we have to stop to fix them.

Is it worth bringing up to her lead teacher that I would prefer her to be dressing/undressing herself (with the assistance of an adult), or is this normal/typical in toddler Montessori rooms and therefore I should chill out/let it slide?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or advice!