Yeah if you had bothered to read up on the connection to racism and breed bans maybe you'd understand why. I stand by what I said. Pits aren't a dangerous breed when they don't have a fuckass owner/none at all. Same as any other dog.

You need to get the fuck out of there. Yesterday. Fucking BOLT, hun. Do not pass go but definitely collect $200.

That's because you're a dumb horny kid. They are all almost certainly in relationships and none of them have any interest in an 18yo. Laughable. You're not half as great a catch as you think you are. It is literally their JOB to make you think they'd fuck you. Duh, dude. Stop going to adult spaces if you're not grown enough to understand how they function.

Nobody over the age of 18 is "not disclosing for privacy reasons." That's just ridiculous.

OP, NOBODY gets to touch you without your permission. Quit sleeping over with this dude.

This isn't a FIL problem. It's a partner problem. She's over thirty and her dad was a deadbeat. She should be laughing in his face about this. NTA .

Good. Get off the Internet and do your homework. Leave grown men alone, you're a child.


Oh wait

Oh no again?

Oh my it's almost like dogs are just fucking dangerous when owned by irresponsible people!!

Pitbulls are great family dogs. They were nanny dogs before they were associated with dog fighting. Canadians are racist too, buddy. And the association with pitbulls + violence stems solely from racism and classism... And classism is related to racism. Shocker.

If you still think types are real you're probably too young to be participating in these trips anyway.

Most Pitty owners I know are Mormon but okay sure man. That's not your racism talking at all.

The Black Man's Dog: the Social Context of Breed Specific Legislation. Might help you out.

It's more that GS owners tend to be of a certain breed themselves and most I've ever met were horribly trained. That and their bark is just more jarring and irritating than most.

They're also wildly popular with BYBs and that's a whole other problem. My best friend has a combo BYB+poorly trained GS and it pisses me off on her neighbor's behalf. They are far too high energy for most of the people who own them.

You can block me or delete your comments or whatever you want but fuck you, I still get to reply to you.

My stalker posted my home address publicly online and sent my nude images to my younger brother which completely destroyed any semblance of a relationship we had. I spent years living in abject terror. My home was robbed. Twice. Do you know what it feels like to not be able to afford to leave an area where you've been followed home, groped on the street, and robbed twice? Do you know what it feels like to have the police tell you that they're not interested in helping you? Fuck you.

If there is one dog I don't want a neighbor to have, it's a German Shepherd. If there is another dog, it's a husky. Pitbulls don't even make the long list.

And it's not empathy. It's lived experience and basic critical thinking skills.

I've been hurt. The cops laughed at me. I'm glad you got help but most of us don't.

If someone is just there, not breaking in or rattling doors or anything else, I'm not calling the cops. And my place was burglarized twice when I lived in the city. I'm gonna shit my pants, but I'm not risking calling the cops on a homeless person or a neighbor just bc I happen to see a guy standing outside.

I've called the cops after two burglaries, on my stalker, and after my retail store got mass robbed. Guess how many times they've done jack shit about it. Guess how many arrests have been made.

Of course you can decide not to attend. You're an adult. However, you're also an adult. Nobody cares about your birthday, truly. With how strenuous wedding planning is and how tight wedding schedules can be, I highly doubt it was on purpose.

Unless they're doing a mid-week wedding. Then yeah, it was on purpose and fuck them. Realistically though, they gave their venue a list of preferred weekends and the venue said "okay this one is free." Unless you have actual proof she did it intentionally, nobody is wrong. You aren't obligated to attend events for people you don't get along with, so long as you're capable of respecting the broader consequences of skipping a family wedding.

Is "my girlfriend thinks I'm a pedo for parenting the sibling I take care of" this week's AITA spank bank material?

There's plenty that would embarrass me on my phone if my husband saw. Stain check pics, midnight notes, my porn browser history (slightly joking lmao he knows my preferences)... But if I needed to show him literally every single word I've ever typed on my phone in order to prove I'm loyal and trustworthy, I would do it in less than a second. There is a 0% chance she didn't sleep around + admit it in text. Or take fucking pictures of it, BLECH.

Ding ding ding. You're living together. You're talking about starting a family. There is no immediate difference to your life from marriage in that case, so either she doesn't actually trust OP to be legally tied to her, or she just needs to move on. Wym you're not ready after FOUR. YEARS.??

That's because he's an ass. Not because you're not communicating effectively, if you're telling us what you told him.

WAY too many here saying that theirs kicked in immediately who are just .. wrong. Antidepressants have to build up in your system. That's the placebo effect, people. Your psychiatrist isn't going to tell you that bc... fucking duh.... but your anecdotal evidence doesn't negate how they are designed to work.