
r/Pets272.8K subscribers37 active
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Pinnedby heresmytwopenceModerator
Most unique pet name you've heard?

I'm trying to figure out names for any future pets lol

My dad cut my cats whiskers to the base what do I do now?CAT

I have no idea why but my dad cut my cats whiskers for whatever reason and the poor girls been meowing for the past hour either out of pain or confusion all I know is that's she's not having a great time. And I don't know what to do should I stop her from going outside? Like, what do I do in this situation? Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Edit: I just want to update you guys. My cats are alright, and she's acting her usually self for the most part, and I won't be letting her out the garden until she's grows back her whiskers. Thanks for all your advice.

And on my father, think of his actions and not something born out of cruelty but a lack of education and knowledge because my father never actually went past primary school so he doesn't really understand anything about animals such as cats and he did genuinely think what he was doing was right and I know for a fact that he loves that cat more than anything and he didn't mean to cause any pain to her.

Also, I have had a lot of people thinking I'm a girl, and um, I'm not. I'm a guy, sorry for the confusion, guys

So what's the deal with my cat?

I saved this feral from outdoors a year ago and she's always been a mix of cuddly vs standoffish depending whether shes on the bed or running around the floor in other rooms, and she was never very vocal.

It seems like in the last 2 months she's gotten a lot more vocal. Not howls, but just trills or chirps. She walks up behind me at the desk and makes noise. She walks into the bathroom when Im in there and makes noise. She meows at the door and when I open it she makes talks while running into the room.

its really weird. Is it because she's copying humans talking to her?

Help my cat

Today i noticed he can’t poop. While he was squatting he’d grunt and cry. After that he layed down and clean himself. But after a while of laying he cried and moved. I went to check on him and he’s all ballooned up, his tummy was firm. I massaged him and later he tensed up and cried. We went down stairs but he’d stand for a while and then lay down and he tensed up and cried. He got up and stood in place and then moved. He tried squatting again but nothing. I told a friend and they recommend feeding him wet food so I did and he cried 2 times. But after a while he seemed fine, excepting pets and went looking around. I have noticed where the places he was standing there are puddles of pee, but he only bit of pee b/c then he’ll stand again and pee somewhere else. Due to some issues I can’t take him to the vet right now. Please please help!!!!

Lillies and dogs

Bought two bouquets of flowers and one had a lily already bloomed. Only noticed when I got home and cut open the bouquet from the wrapping. Immediately got rid of them,wiped everything down, and I have the air purifier on. My dog is small and only about 15 lbs. The dog was in another room while I was opening them up. Should I be concerned? I get anxious cause he was hospitalized several times before (for other reasons)

Knowing your pets personality, can you tell what kind of human they would be?

I was talking about this with a friend about how we know our dogs so well we can picture exactly the type of person they would be. Didn't know if I was the only one that has wondered that.

Best bug spray that’s safe around dogs (Australia)

Hi all,

Been trying to find the best bug spray that is safe to spray around dogs. I live in Australia so if anyone from Australia has any recommendations that would be fantastic. :)

Best medium/ large sized dog for a family?

We've just purchased our first home, part of the deal was that we'd get a puppy once we we'd bought so now I'm looking for advice on what type of dog to look for to suit our situation.

We live close to the beach (5 minute walk) and close to walkways and reserves, (5 minute walk the other way!) And I work from home, attending meetings maybe once a fortnight one day a week kinda thing so I'm home very often.

Kids are boys aged 7 and 9, pretty active and very into animals, we have two cats who they feed every morning and night..

We all like golden retrievers, I'm quite partial to a black lab... but looking for advice on both these breeds plus recommendations for any other larger breeds that I may not have considered! I'd be a first time dog owner, so really want to take the time to research before taking the leap.

Are lizards affectionate pets?REPTILE

I’ve been thinking of getting a pet lizard for a while now. Are they particularly affectionate?

What are the best dog insurances? MO If it matters DOG

I have the sweetest dog, she's 37 lbs, she's a husky and a bit over a year.

I do want something affordable as I can't afford too much but I do not want her health neglected so anything works but something nice on my wallet would be nice. I need something best for emergencies as well

Me and my pup are in Missouri if it matters!

Possibly something similar to human insurance where it covers the vet costs too and doesn't just reimburse later but honestly anything works.

I need some of the cutest and most outrageous cat names out there. Give me all you gotCAT

I’m currently not in a position where I can own a cat, this is just for me to get ideas. Please do not suggest any names that are NSFW.

Traveling - Medium DogDOG

Hey guys -

Want to travel with my 35 lb, goldendoodle across country. I can drive with him for the most part but looking to fly him.

What airlines allows 35 lb dogs in their cabin?

If there are any, what are their rates? I am flying from CO to TN!

Trupanion? CAT

On another subreddit I made a post regarding some news from Trupanion clarifying how they plan to cover FIP in cats.

The amount of grief/anger/rude comments I received was ridiculous. Can anyone give me some first hand experiences of Trupanion insurance after animal adoption. Did you have any surprise pre-existing conditions that were listed due to treatment prior to adoption?

Can my puppy be in heat again? DOG

My German Shepard puppy is 14 months old (15 months on June 1st). She had her first heat cycle (confirmed by vets) about 4 months ago. Today I’ve noticed a couple blood spots on the floor and it’s definitely coming from her. Can my puppy have another heat cycle 4-5 months after having her first one? Thanks in advance!

Best interest of a good boi

OK so I'm in a situation with my ex's dog and need some insight, focusing on the dog's wellbeing/best interest. My ex was arrested within the last month, and his dog was with him at the time, so it was taken to doggie jail (city impound). He didn't do anything really bad (no one was hurt), but he's been struggling with addiction and homelessness. No word yet on when he'll be released...could be next week or could be a few months... Prior to his arrest, I had been taking care of his dog when he'd decide he couldn't have the dog with him that day/days, and then he'd come by within 1-3 days to pick up the dog. He's had the dog for about 3 yrs, but only been struggling with homelessness/severe addiction this last year. For the last year I had been the one buying dog food, toys (the ball throwers and balls continuously went missing), and providing shelter. Police had told me at that time that despite his situation I can't withhold his dog. Ok fine.

A week ago he gave consent for animal services to release the dog to me, since he couldn't get the dog himself, and he didn't want the dog to be lost in the shelter system. He's a very good boy, but he's a bigger dog, middle age, is missing teeth, and missing an eye, and not a dog I'd assume would be quickly adopted based on looks (I could be wrong though, i think hes cute). Which involved the dog now being licensed to me. I can care for him short term, but my life is not set up for a big dog in the long term, but I can find him a home. I had explained this several times to my ex before going to get him. He still wanted me to pick him up. I had made a plan with a friend, who has met the dog and cares about his wellbeing, and they are able to either keep the dog forever, or keep it until my ex gets his life together...if he does. My friend has an acreage, but he works 2 weeks on/1 week off, out of town. His friend/roommate takes care of the place and the 2 other dogs. I dont have a plan B... What is the best thing to do for this dog? Did I screw up by going to get the dog? I told my plan to the policeman at the impound and he said that I might screw up the dog if I go through with this plan :( My ex is now talking as if he'll get his dog back ASAP, which is very frustrating for me because I thought he understood our previous discussions. Is it ethical to return ownership to him if he's still homeless and/or still brand new in his recovery?

What bad smell is coming from my cats?? CAT

There is a bad smell all over everything in my room from my cats, but I can't pinpoint what is. Its all over everywhere the cats are, and it's on every cat too. It's not pee or poop, I know what those smell like and this isn't it. Do cats just naturally have a musty smell? Would giving them bathes help? It's not them tracking litter either,I don't think, cuz I have track mats as well. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Should I be worried? This smell has persisted for over a year now

Is HomeAgain microchipping worth it?CAT

My local vet uses homeagain, I was going to schedule an appointment to get my cat chipped and just do the basic registration (no extra subscriptions). Is this even possible? I'm finding old Reddit posts about it being hoaxy/scammy, and it's almost as though you can't get out of the subscription fees?

And if I should NOT use homeagain, is there any way to easily figure out what other chips are available and which vets are using those?

Are my cats bored?CAT

I have two roughly middle aged cats and they used to like playing a lot, but a while back they just stopped playing. I try to get them interested, but they’ll just sit there and look sad. They’ve been inside cats their whole lives and I wonder if they don’t like it here. I do let them outside to roam but they stay in my backyard for the most part. I might be rambling here but this has been a worry of mine for a really long time. Is there any way I can help them not be so bored?

Found 2 months old stray cat - HELP! CAT

Looking for advice! Found a sweet 2-month-old kitty outside and he is not eating. Tried milk (Olpers mixed with Water), boiled chicken, and vet-recommended food (HAPPY CAT - wet kitten canned food), but no luck. Any tips for getting a kitten to eat. & He has been sleeping entire time, just wakes up jumps around MEOWS alot and goes back to sleep!
I m just worried for him to get his food :(

Is there any treats I can give my cat with gingivitis?CAT

Hi, I recently became the owner of 2 stray cats and I had them spayed, dewormed etc the works. I had a follow up with one of my cats where I ran some blood work to make sure she didn’t have cancer and all in all she’s a healthy girl.

She does have a little bit of gingivitis though. It does not seem to bother her and the vet did not seem too concerned when telling me. I went home and did some research and the best way to treat this is to brush my cats teeth and get them cleaned professionally. I’m not at all opposed to getting it done professionally however at the moment I would like to avoid the cost if I can. I would have no problem brushing her teeth but she is still very nervous and runs from me a lot .Is there anything I can do to treat this at home?

Which of the 3 is the easiest to take care of? (Asking for future reference)RODENTS

Hi all! In the future, I would love to own a rodent of some sort, but I’m not sure which one would be the best. I love rats, hamsters, and guinea pigs. However, as of right now im unable to any of these since we move places a lot, but in some few years or so I would love to get one (or a few). I know hamsters are solitary, but rats and guinea pigs need to be in groups. Which of these would be the easiest and most cost efficient?

kitten with diarrhoeaCAT

just got a kitten 2 days ago (he's apparently 6 weeks old) and he's been having diarrhoea and im not sure what the cause is. I found out the person we got him from used to only give him cows milk. Anything I can do to fix this?

would also love some advice for kitten litter training!!

Chihuahua losing teeth

Hey everyone. I just noticed today that my chihuahua is missing a bottom tooth in the front bottom part of his mouth. I don't think it JUST happened. There doesn't seem to be a wound. But when I looked at his other front teeth top and bottom they look in really bad shape like they would come out if I even just pull on them a bit. I've never had them brushed or cleaned and he's now almost 8. I had been meaning to the last few years but didn't realize how bad they got in the last year.

Besides that he's in great health and full of energy. His back teeth seem to be in much better shape because he's had a lot of dental chews. I doubt there will be any extractions needed for those.

I plan to get them cleaned and any extractions done very soon now.

My main question is, even with cleanings and brushings and such when do chihuahuas typically start to lose teeth anyways? I'm wondering if this basically was gonna happen anyways because I know chihuahuas are notorious for bad teeth.

Also if all his front teeth get removed is it 100% that his tongue will stick out? I've only ever seen that with very senior dogs.

Thanks for your time!

Flea problem

Hello ! I have a beautiful cat (an oldy boy), and unfortunately today I realized that he has fleas on him. I gave him a flea bath with a flea repellent shampoo, and I also sprayed my flat with a flea repellent spray. However Im only gonna be able to buy a flea repellent collar for him in 2 days, because right now where I am from it’s a 2-day-holiday, and all of the shops are closed. I guess my question is, that after using the shampoo on him, and the spray throughout my flat, can the fleas that are still alive lay eggs in my bed/clothes or in my hair ?

In search of the perfect Litter box

Hello everyone !

I am desperately looking for the perfect litter box for my cat who pees standing up and who also scratches like crazy to put half of it outside... I would like a bin with a fairly high entrance (not on the top but high enough compared to the ground) and also the bin must be closed to avoid overflows and pee outside the bin. If you have brands or models I'm interested!