Hi! You should join the new subreddit r/PersonalityProfiles! It’s dedicated to all this stuff

Family dynamics?MBTI

Grandfather: INFJ

Grandmother: ISTJ

Mother: ESTJ


I went from entp to Enfp then back to ENTP than to ENTJ and then ENTP.

I’m stealing your Guinea pig <3

Psychology careers that don’t require postgraduate?

I just finished my bachelors degree in psychology. I would prefer not to continue with postgraduate education. What are some interesting psychology jobs that don’t need a masters degree?

ENTP here! When I was little me and my father used to go looking at the beach to find bugs and insects when we where bored.

Now I know why I am so weird

Thankyou so much for your advice! <3. Can I follow you?

I’m just a bit worried about the noise

What about beardies or geckos?

Thankyou for your help! I might go with a leopard gecko cuase they probably wouldn’t take up as much space

I meant low maintenance as in they don’t need much room

That’s nice! Are they much maintenance? I am out for a few hours for work a few times a week. Do they get lonely being left alone for a few hours?

Misunderstanding! I thought when you said I am intuitive you where correcting me inferring Entps aren’t intuitive. Thankyou for explaining.

Thankyou so much for the other options <3 I will definitely have to do more research! They seem like adorable pets