OK so I'm in a situation with my ex's dog and need some insight, focusing on the dog's wellbeing/best interest. My ex was arrested within the last month, and his dog was with him at the time, so it was taken to doggie jail (city impound). He didn't do anything really bad (no one was hurt), but he's been struggling with addiction and homelessness. No word yet on when he'll be released...could be next week or could be a few months... Prior to his arrest, I had been taking care of his dog when he'd decide he couldn't have the dog with him that day/days, and then he'd come by within 1-3 days to pick up the dog. He's had the dog for about 3 yrs, but only been struggling with homelessness/severe addiction this last year. For the last year I had been the one buying dog food, toys (the ball throwers and balls continuously went missing), and providing shelter. Police had told me at that time that despite his situation I can't withhold his dog. Ok fine.

A week ago he gave consent for animal services to release the dog to me, since he couldn't get the dog himself, and he didn't want the dog to be lost in the shelter system. He's a very good boy, but he's a bigger dog, middle age, is missing teeth, and missing an eye, and not a dog I'd assume would be quickly adopted based on looks (I could be wrong though, i think hes cute). Which involved the dog now being licensed to me. I can care for him short term, but my life is not set up for a big dog in the long term, but I can find him a home. I had explained this several times to my ex before going to get him. He still wanted me to pick him up. I had made a plan with a friend, who has met the dog and cares about his wellbeing, and they are able to either keep the dog forever, or keep it until my ex gets his life together...if he does. My friend has an acreage, but he works 2 weeks on/1 week off, out of town. His friend/roommate takes care of the place and the 2 other dogs. I dont have a plan B... What is the best thing to do for this dog? Did I screw up by going to get the dog? I told my plan to the policeman at the impound and he said that I might screw up the dog if I go through with this plan :( My ex is now talking as if he'll get his dog back ASAP, which is very frustrating for me because I thought he understood our previous discussions. Is it ethical to return ownership to him if he's still homeless and/or still brand new in his recovery?