
I agree with you on that last bit, and I tend to overthink things too. My interpretation of the “make it work” line is that the industry is hard and you just have to deal with it. On its own, it doesn’t sound bad, but we know from the RS article and the interviews that JoJo has done in the past, it seems to justify the abusive environment she’s creating within the group. JoJo is also notorious for invalidating other people’s experiences in abusive settings. To me, that lyric is a hidden form of cyclical abuse. Maybe if the lyric was switched to something like “keep it up” and minor grammatical changes were made, maybe the message would be a bit more positive.

On a more positive note, I like that the girls are doing a more mature sounding song and Penelope gets to sing


Are they trying to rebrand Dallas? If they went with what they did before then someone other than Dallas would be talking about all the singing and dancing and doing stuff for fans

I need some of the cutest and most outrageous cat names out there. Give me all you gotCAT

I’m currently not in a position where I can own a cat, this is just for me to get ideas. Please do not suggest any names that are NSFW.

:heart: ESC Heart (black)

I’m staying but I think in a few years I’m going to act like Eurovision 2024 never happened even though I really liked the songs this year

:heart: ESC Heart (black)

Another reason as to why Armenia may make it:

Rosa Linn wished them good luck on Instagram so they’ll be going to the grand final and getting either 20th place (her result) or 3rd place (the same result as the Yan Girls from JESC 2023 whom she also wished good luck to via Instagram)

:heart: ESC Heart (black)

I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Denmark. I really hope they’ll make it

Potential shock qualifiers in SF2Discussion

According to the odds, Poland had a 82% chance of qualifying and Slovenia had a 37% chance of qualifying. Slovenia ended up qualifying over Poland. Is there a possibility of something like that happening in semi final 2?

This is just wishful thinking on my part, but I hope that Denmark and Czechia are able to qualify despite the odds. I’m unable to vote this year, but if I could I would put most of my votes to those two.

What do you guys think? This isn’t meant to promote hate to any of the artists, I’m just wondering if we’re going to get another unexpected result in the second semi final.

This video is so unfortunate

:heart: ESC Heart (black)

Denmark has grown on me a lot and now it’s my favorite of this year’s entries.

I’ve lost a little interest in Croatia but I still like it to some extent

Duos/Trios (vocal and dance) that we could’ve gotten but never didQuestion/Discussion

I started thinking about this because after rewatching the MOA performance with the six girls. Seeing that made me wish that we got a Bella + Leigha duet that involved dancing and/or singing. I also think that a trio with Bella, Leigha, and Kinley would be awesome.

The little duo moments that Bella and Tinie T in the original TWIA music video were also super fun and adorable and I wish we could’ve gotten more content like that in group songs or songs with just two or three girls.

What duo/trio combinations would you like to see with the girls? You can also include girls on SDPR that weren’t official members of the group in your groupings


Apart from the girls being tired, are they really certain that these shows are actually going to sell well? The other dates aren’t selling, why do they think the new ones will sell out in 2 months?


I wish they kept the Spanish in there and had Penelope sing it. If for some reason if they couldn’t do that and insisted Tinie T sing it, then they could’ve done it in Armenian. And even if that wasn’t possible for some reason, they could’ve had the other three echo the words “carpet” and “started”.

Also Tinie T has been doing Bella’s high note in live performances so I don’t see why they couldn’t have done an official re-recording of that part


I can see XOMG merch populating thrift stores in a few years

I guess exomg pop will be successful no matter what

  1. What the contracts of the OG 3 looked like after Kinley and Bella left and what they look like now after the article
  2. Whether or not the majority of the girls actually liked the songs they were singing
  3. If the group is going to last much longer

She really should go solo. The most recent rap cover she did was posted a few months ago and it was inspired by Michael Jackson’s Thriller. She wasn’t wearing the XOMG POP! aesthetic at all and it felt like we were actually seeing her personality


Actual new music coming?


I agree that the only one that’s really popular is Candy Hearts. I guess my definition of “fairly popular” would be the songs that were almost always performed live. This would include PLAP, XOMG, Sparkle Queens, and Rock the Night.

Underrated XOMG POP! SongsQuestion/Discussion

What are everyone’s favorite XOMG songs (og and re-released) that don’t seem to be getting as much recognition as others?

Here’s my answer: even though there aren’t too many songs to begin with, I think Secret Handshake is relatively underrated. It’s not as good as some of the other songs, but I liked the music video set, the fact that all 7 of them originally released it, and there have been some moments where the chorus randomly got stuck in my head.

The girls all worked so hard on their music and I think we should recognize the efforts made on the not-so-popular songs too.


I may be overthinking things, but maybe Diana didn’t want to hold up 5 fingers and did so reluctantly? When I initially saw the photo it took me a moment to realize that she was holding up her fingers. Everyone else that was holding up their fingers was holding their hand somewhat close to their faces but Diana’s hand was out in front of her and somewhat behind someone’s head. Again, I’m probably overthinking things, but she didn’t seem so enthusiastic to go along with the group.

1234Never LyricsJust Kidding

1, took a deep breath

Learned all the right steps

Now I can never be me

2, met my best friends

And we’re competing with each other

Every single day

Then 3, we are barely known

Barely selling shows

And losing gigs

My best friends and me

Were never meant to be

Like 1234Never

It was like 1234Never

Beat by beat

Step by step

My girls and me

No longer friends

Like 123,


You’ll see

Even more lies

That we can’t hide

Feels like defeat

Don’t freak

When the song hits you and you hear the voices of the former girls

My best friends and me

Were never meant to be

Like 1234Never

(Like 1,2,3)

It was like 1234Never

(Like 1,2,3)

Beat by beat

Step by step

My girls and me

No longer friends

Like 123


Oh-oh-oh 4Never, 4Never Oh-oh-oh 4Never

It’s not meant to be

It’s not meant to be

Like 1234Never

(Like 1,2,3)

It was like 1234Never

Beat by beat

Step by step

My girls and me

No longer friends

Like 1234Never



DISCLAIMER: this is satire and it’s not meant to romanticize the bad things the former girls and their mothers went through, nor is it meant to make fun of them for what happened