Minecraft on reddit

r/Minecraft7.4M subscribers208 active
Low effort posts - Results & New Rules

We held a poll last week on some of the most common posts that receive negative feedback in the comments to ask our userbase (That's you!) to see if we should proactively ban them.

The allotted week has come and gone and the results are in. With nearly 1,000 individual respondants, we're happy with the sample size and are happy to present how the poll went, so without further ado:

Total responses: 963

Pass threshold is 70%

Close to a pass, but just shy. Menu easter eggs won't be banned.

It is abundantly clear that unusual deaths are something the majority of you are happy to see, we won't be removing them.

The majority of you are happy to see unusual structure spawns, so we're keeping them.

We're heard complaints about these posts, but not enough people are dissatisfied with 'what should I build here?' posts. If you still don't like them, your best tool is still a downvote.

Passing the high threshold however are \"Is this cheating?\" posts. The majority of you are sick of them, many comments on these posts amount to 'Play how you want' and we're inclined to agree. They're unnecessary and the truth has always been that Minecraft is a game with no rules in singleplayer, you play how YOU want to! These posts going forward are BANNED and will be removed!

Rare mob posts were a close fail at nearly 64% Majority unhappy but didn't pass the threshold. More on why this number was chosen at the end.

Most of you want to keep sharing impossible items you find in your world. You voted, they're staying!

A similar story for mobs behaving strangely. They're staying too!

This was nearly a 50/50 split, but the silent majority speaks, and they want beating the enderdragon to be something they can discuss.

There was strong dissent against banning nostalgic posts, it's clear the community wants to reminisce. We get it, so they're staying too!

This one is particularly interesting, not only is it a strong vote towards not banning, but YouTube content as a whole has been soft-banned on the sub, mostly being removed for being off-topic. This poll has cleared up ambiguity however, the community wants to see and discuss Minecraft YouTube content from popular Minecraft creators, and that's what you'll get! However - Self promotion rules still apply, if you're just posting links to your own lets play series to get some extra clicks, it'll still be subject to removal.

This was a close one but joke builds has managed to just about survive the vote. That means they're staying.

Mojang removed Herobrine from the game, we're removing him from the sub! You've spoken and haunted game posts are no more. No more posts talking about Herobrine in people's games, no talking about mysterious creepy sounds, or events, or things moving and changing despite it seemingly being impossible. Ghostly entities keep out.

So, a question on some of your minds may be why did we pick a threshold, and quite a high one at that? In the past it is clear that the moderation team has been heavy handed, some of you would even say to this day that is true.

We wanted to be absolutely, positively, crystal clear that the absolute majority of you wanted something gone before we step in. There has been a lot of valid feedback in the comments of the original post about the line drawn between whether it is the job of the mods or the job of the community to ensure posts aren't visible in the sub, either by removal or downvoting.

By setting such a threshold, even if (as at least one wonderful redditor did point out in the comments) a lot of voters were more likely to vote at all because they passionately dislike certain posts where more neutral people may abstain from voting at all because they don't care (Which is fair!) we would still get a fair result that we hope people are happy with.

We wanted to come at this with as light of a touch as possible, and by asking all of you we could steer the ship towards a direction you're happy with. A balance between quality control and overstepping to the point of unnecessary censorship. With only two of thirteen of the candidates for banning actually being banned, we hope this has struck the right balance.

We'll be updating the rules accordingly Very Soon(TM)

tl;dr Haunted posts and is this cheating are NO MORE! You can discuss Minecraft Creators as long as you aren't self promoting!

Pinnedby LexiTehGalladeModerator:lexi: Also try Factorio!
6 year old is obsessed

My 6 year old "son," (he's actually my grandson) is exceptional despite what he's been through. He loves Minecraft and has worked so hard to make a "map" for Unspeakable. I'm not sure Nathan even does Minecraft videos, etc. anymore, but he doesn't understand that the videos he watches could be very old.

Nathan's videos have helped him have a passion for reading, writing, and coding.

How do I get a message to him, or get merchandise? I don't want to lie and buy it myself. I looked on cameo to have him send him a message, but couldn't find him on there.

I want to continue to inspire our little guy.

Any help is appreciated.