I don't want one to be able to falll in the divisions. If there is a way to make a 3x3 or 4x4 pattern out of stone without stairs I'm all ears.

It's meant to be the divisions between tiles, anything more than a half block depression would be too much.

O gelo que forma é da umidade do ar que vem de fora, sinal que tá entrando ar por algum lugar da parte de cima. Talvez a vedação da porta seja o problema.

Look, a repost.

Is this still a thing in the new one? I haven't bought it yet.

Ele disse que ia comer ele assado.

Então tá revoltado com o quê?

Pessoas comem animais, meu caro. É a vida.

Besides the astronomical aspects,the entries described biological, social and cultural data, that's what I couldn't understand.

I understood most of the humanity entry though, there's some interesting stuff.

What are the civilization summaries in Encyclopedia Galactica saying?Discussion

In the 12th episode of Cosmos, Carl Sagan speculates the contents of an Encyclopedia Galactica, and shows three civilization summaries, including one of humanity. Many terms were and still are unknown to me, not being a native English speaker didn’t help. I would like to ask if anyone who understood most if not all of the text could explain the meaning.

Thank you for your time.

I disagree. Not enough exposed bricks, the windows are too narrow and it doesn't look like you can have barbecue on the rooftop.

In the early Marvel comics, before Empire if I'm not mistaken, Luke changed the information on a datapad using the Force. If that's possible, I don't see why "mindtricking" would not.

Esse não era o cara predecessor do movimento MGTOW?

One day I was at the barber shop getting a haircut and an older gentleman came in and asked "is this a barber shop?" After a short polite exchange he said he would run some errands and return later. The barber said "the questions some people ask..." to which I answered "let them be, that's how they start a conversation".

Does it make sense for an interceptor fighter to have a rear turret?[ALLCONTINUITY]

Let us dive into military design. Does it make sense for a anti-starfighter craft focused on high mobility to have some of its mobility sacrificed in favor of a rear turret (or any other turret)?

I thought that maybe it could increase the interceptor survivability when its not in direct dogfight, say, desingaging from combat to reenforce somewhere else or just retreating. What are your thoughts?

Yes, you may pray to Jesus, for Jesus is God. You can see that in the beginning of John.

About your family... Quite honestly, if I were you I would plan my life somewhere far from them as soon as you can. If their hatred for christians is larger than their love for you, then you need to get ready to not have any support from them. It's a matter of "when", not "if". Do not trust your secrets. You may slip someday, they may find out some other way, the same applies to the people you have told, assuming they all are really trustworthy. Jesus said in Luke 12:2-3 "There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs." What I say is harsh, I know, to be treated like this by family is a suffering that can not be put into words. Jesus knew that these things would happen, as you can read in Luke 12:49-53.

Still, you will love them. The Lord is a god of love, mercy and grace, and we will reflect that. As He said in Mathew 5:44, "But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you". Love and honor them. Prepare to extend a helping hand if they ever need. Maybe your actions will someday convince them of your ways if their hearts are in the right place.

"Surviving the afternoon"... You gotta prepare during the morning, hope lunch isn't your last meal, stand your ground for some gruesome hours and hope evening will arrive soon.

Surviving the Afternoon or Surviving the Aftermath?

What are some more survival focused and realistic games?Recommendation Request

Does Infection Free Zone count as a city builder? I mean, I guess strictly speaking it doesn't because you build very little, but it feels a lot like one. What are some games like this one?

I don't know if you are joking, but the shrinking base of a nation's demographic is a real problem that will lead to a pension crises in any nation with high life expectancy.