I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/throwra727262y25 posting in r/relationship_advice

Ongoing as per OOP

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1 update - Short

Original  - 26th June 2024

Update in a comment  - 27th June 2024

My [30M] mother in law [55F] wants to move in with us over my objections. How do I convince my wife not to let her in?

I met my wife [31F] 10 years ago. We dated for 3 years and then got married. She's honestly the sweetheart of my life and she's beautiful, intelligent, and is career oriented. She cares about everything.

Her mother is a different story. She had been nothing but vile towards me ever since we started dating. She would complain about I'm white instead of Asian like her daughter and would try to convince my wife to leave her.

My wife doesn't want to cut off ties with her and that's cause some conflicts. We have a 5 year old son and a 2 year old daughter and my mother in law would be quite rude to them. Her visits ended a year ago when I caught her pinching my daughter.

I kicked my mother in law out but my wife was furious that I didn't consult with her. This arguement led her to leaving me for a week to stay with her. When she finally talked to me, I told her that while she is free to have a relationship with her mother, I don't want one and neither should the kids with the mother and law and my wife reluctantly agreed.

Fast forward to 2 days ago, my mother in law lost her job and she's about to lose her home. My wife is begging for me to let her apologize to me and have her move here for a while but I remain concerned that she will try to hurt our kids. My wife won't listen to me though and is demanding that she does move in. We haven't talked much since that arguement.

How do I convince my wife to not have her mother move in with us?



“Your mother will never live with us. She might live with you, but not with us.”

Say it. Mean it.

OOP: Her response

"If you don't help my mom, I may not be around on earth to help you."


Your wife doesn’t sound like such a sweetheart after all. It sounds like she takes after her mother a little more than you thought. Threatening suicide is one of the most evil manipulation tactics.


So the first argument was about not consulting your wife and now your wife is doing the same thing. I’d sit down your wife and explain your concerns calmly. Explain how you haven’t had a good relationship with her and how she has disrespected you in the past. Explain how you’re concerned that she will mistreat the children. And then ask if there are other family members that can take her in

OOP: I would normally consult my wife but I was angry when I saw my mother in law hurting my daughter and I had a zero tolerance policy on abuse.

I brought up my concerns and she still thinks she changed. She has no other family members. Her father died a long time ago, she's the only sibling, and she doesn't have aunts or uncles. I did offer a cheaper apartment but my wife won't listen to me on that


What is the “back up plan” if you let her move in and then catch her abusing your kids? Will your wife ignore it and let her stay no matter what?

OOP: I'm not letting her move in. She's honestly become so focused on her moving in that she told me she would rather commit suicide than turn her away


That is a major red flag. Either she’s serious and needs mental health help, or she’s using self harm as a manipulation tactic

OOP: I even told her to stop talking about suicide but she says she can't stand to see her mother out there alone


then she can go live her mother and you stay with the kids and divorce her. This is a hard line, but it needs to be taken because your children's safety is at risk. If your wife is more concerned about her abusive adult mother than her children, she's made her choice and you need to make yours and it needs to be your children. Period

ETA: Also, if keeps threatening suicide to manipulate you, take her to the hospital. Don’t play her game. It’s time to rethink your marriage with her.

OOP: I will never let her mother in. Im trying to save this Marriage without her divorcing or killing herself


I understand that. Unfortunately, if she’s not willing to understand that, you may have to divorce her for sake of your children.

Update - 1 days later

Update: Thank you guys for helping me out.

I sent the kids over to my sister's house for the night as i didnt want them to witness a fight. I again told my wife that her mom can't stay with us and that our son in particular trembles around her. She again threatened suicide and that's when I called 911. She then went hysterical and tried to grab a knife but I was thankfully able to stop her from harming herself. She's currently on a 72 hour hold and I will be meeting with a lawyer about custody as I have evidence from her texts and security footage. It's so damn painful and I now have to explain to our kids about why I'm divorcing her



Thank you for protecting your children! You sound like a great dad.


You may want to talk to your lawyer about getting a temporary restraining order to keep your wife away from the kids and the house until you can get something more firm in place as far as custody. I know people make fun of Reddit for suggesting protection orders so quickly, but it's not a stretch for a suicidal mom to decide to take her kids with her when she kills herself. Unfortunately happens every year.

Because as soon as her hold expires she 's still legally entitled to custody of and access to the children. It's up to you to prevent that.

Source: am lawyer.

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.