If he wasn't happy he should have worked through it with her (with a counselor if necessary) or ended the relationship. No excuse.

To the ex-boyfriend: "Cheating on me was bad enough, but you had to make it even worse by sleeping with my brother's girlfriend and backstabbing him as well? Seriously?"

To the brother's girlfriend: "You and my brother might not have been together, but my SO and I were, which means that YOU were his partner in crime helping him cheat on me. There is no excuse."

To the brother: "And YOU. How can you take back a woman who helped your own sister's boyfriend betray her? How can you live with yourself hiding this from me and letting me believe a lie? I might have felt sympathy for you had you told me the truth and not robbed me of the information I needed to determine whether to stay in my relationship. But you also betrayed me by covering it up. I cannot trust any of you."

"May you each be exactly as happy as you deserve. Goodbye."

And definitely not stupid

And the Spoiled Princess meltdown begins in 3... 2.... 1

The Old Testament stipulated that no penalty was to be given to the victim. Only the perpetrator.

This isn't adultery with another consenting adult. It is rape of OP's sister- a crime as well as grounds for divorce. Please do not overlook this critical fact.

ETA God would not call on His daughters to cover for an abuser and enable further abuse of their victims.

We are exhorted not to shut our eyes to evil.

Gene Roddenderry, the producer of Star Trek, placed a no-contest clause in his will. His daughter Dawn decided that 1/4 of her father's multimillion dollar estate wasn't enough and sued to dispute the will. The court ruled that the late Mr. Roddenderry's stipulations were valid, thus she got nothing.

Either he's a lawyer who committed a serious ethics violation or he's impersonating one- both of which are bad and demand severe consequences.

I once had a fake lawyer threaten me over the phone to that I would lose my then only child (she got the sex wrong lol) all because I had been talking to a friend's father about a mutual acquaintance who had lost custody of hers (the conversation with my friend's family was one of concern and not malice as we felt bad for her).

My husband and I, who are on subsidized housing with my autistic son 23M, faced flak from MIL and his youngest daughter 31F for refusing to take in his son now 33M who has a long criminal history and whose mother has repeatedly bailed him out. I am not about to risk our shelter and stability for an unrepentant repeat offender. Those who criticized us for not taking him in fail to understand that we cannot share housing with anyone if we ourselves are homeless. Add to that he has physically assaulted his own mother (I am smaller and battling degenerative arthritis), assaulted my as yet future husband when the latter tried allowing him to live in his apartment 15 years ago, assaulted his sister's fiancé twice, slashed his BIL's tires when his sister was pregnant and living in a shelter (racist landlord had evicted them) which could have got them booted from the program for missing curfew, and savagely assaulted a long time friend of my husband's who had kindly given him a place to stay after he fouled up with his prior host. The man is lucky to be alive.

I don't want to listen to: "He's your son."

"He's a disabled child (seriously, 30+ in age?)"

"He has the mind of a six year old."

The best thing that could happen to him and to your friend would be facing the unmitigated consequences of their deliberate choices. In the latter case, the children would be in a safe place as it would be morally wrong to let them suffer for Mom's reckless, irresponsible behavior.

NTA, OP... not by a long shot.

NTA. If he couldn't take the jabs, he shouldn't have thrown the first one, metaphorically speaking.

I am wondering whether he might have secretly been acquainted with her before she got hired. Could OP's fiancé have actually recommended the job to her? Then played like he hadn't known her earlier? Idk, just trying to piece this puzzle together.

I don't think that a considerate spouse would let things reach that point.

I have degenerative arthritis, and what OP described would have me running to a convent for refuge if my husband was so dismissive of my comfort. Note: am not even Catholic.

My youngest daughter (27F)'s rat bastard of a father died last fall and while I never wished him any harm (he died in surgery - abused body for years with alcohol), I don't feel any sadness. He was never an active father to her.

I wonder how she plans to support herself if the kid is given to another's custody, chooses to live with someone else, or when the kid grows up and leaves the nest.

Clearly you didn't stop and consider that her actions were valid. And it's not a good look for you calling your sister an entitled bitch when she took you in out of the kindness of her heart. You abused that kindness and are now reaping the consequences you deserve.

It is a conflict of interest to treat or prescribe medication for one's own family and would have cost OP her license to practice. You just keep making yourself sound worse and worse and in addition are confirming that your parents are as awful as she claims.