Lol, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. 🤣 🤣🤣

Scorched earth is the bare minimum of what he deserves. He should be in jail. NTA

Not only did his wife choose her mother over him, she chose her mother over her kids. Those papers should've been filed a year ago.

Dude, who here is cutting onions??? I'm glad you got to have that moment, and it's awesome that you're keeping her memory alive.

Kuznetsov OT winner, Game 6 Eastern Conference Semis against Pittsburgh in 2018

What, she didn't have AAA? Lol, NTA. She wouldn't be in that spot if she took you up on the numerous times you offered to teach her. Also, she can't expect you to be at her beckoned call whenever she gets in a jam.

"Sharing your good fortune" that you earned through your hard work? Nah, a real friend wouldn't ask that of you. When someone shows you who they are, believe them and act accordingly. NTA, and keep kicking ass. 🙂

Just graduated high school 2 or 3 weeks prior. My entire adulthood was the Ovi era. Wild.

I didn't recognize this thread until the psych ward story. I'm gutted for OP's family, especially her grandmother. I know that her enabling hindered far more than helped, but I also know that watching your child become an absolute monster is enough to break anyone.

The fact that you didn't clear it with your husband first despite it being a joint account that both of you contribute to is where you went wrong. I understand wanting to help your brother, but you can't make a unilateral decision with money that belongs to both of you. YTA.

Yeah, she's clearly stringing you along. If you haven't grown resentful of her yet, you will. Get out and start over

I agree wholeheartedly. Then again, even that might be too good for her.

Your wife is right. You dropped the ball there.

I'm going to be the asshole who asks, "Why the hell are you still together?" Hope she sees this. Lol 😉

It's a big swing. No denying that. However, he's a 25 year old centerman who is 6'3 and 218, can push the pace with his skating(huge get for literally the slowest top 6 forward group in the league), drive play with the best of them (at least on the nights he feels like playing), hard to play against (again, when physically engaged), and can play at the top of your lineup.

Now, his warts are the reason why he was on the market, and we had to retain half of Kuzy's salary in order to move on from him for many of the same issues regarding effort (among other things), so taking on a guy who is that much of a wild card when we have largely targeted worker bees doesn't make any sense at the surface level. We do need to take into account that we still rely on a soon to be 39 year old Alex Ovechkin as our main scoring threat.

I'm cautiously optimistic because I'm a fan of the concept of Dubois. We all have that one player we're willing to gamble on despite the negatives. PLD happens to be mine, dating back to his days with Columbus. He's also been a productive player in this league, last season notwithstanding.

Nobody ever wants to believe that their kid is a literal monster. Maya should be locked up.

I don't know Maya, but hate isn't a strong enough word for how I feel about her. JFC

He doesn't? It's not like they have to run to the altar the second ahe says yes. It's just that they have been together since they were 15. They were childhood best friends before then as well. They even went ring shopping, so it's not like she was completely blindsided. He wouldn't have asked if he wasn't sure she'd say yes. He had reason to believe that they were on the same page until they weren't.

Where I would fault OP is allowing this to drag out when he knew it was over. It's not unreasonable to not be sure about taking the next step. It's also not unreasonable to be disappointed that you and your partner aren't in lock step with each other. That said, if you can't see a way back from this, don't walk around pretending that everything is fine. Now OP is in a spot where he's initiating a break up days before their 10th anniversary. That's beyond fucked up.