DH should be told that he's trying to solve his problems right now. Those being: his mom's demands, your anger, and his peace. But what's going to happen is MIL, feeling like she won the precious "alone time," will break all of your boundaries on purpose. Your DH won't want to start the visit out with correcting her, so she will continue. She will gloat to you later, because she will believe it's only you that want those boundaries, since DH let her do what she wanted.

You must be there for all visits.

Aside from that, even without PPA, moms are stuck like glue to their baby for at least a year. PPA gets a lot better when you can trust that your baby is safe, and DH is threatening that by wanting to separate you from your infant on a regular basis.

If the two of you can see eye to eye and he can verbalize your concerns and what he'll do about them, then you could compromise and offer something like a visit every 6 weeks. First, write down all your concerns and complaints and how you want them addressed. If you two can't get through your list with agreed upon solutions, find a marriage counselor who believes in leave-and-cleave.

Congrats on the bundle of joy.

When a toddler hits and bites, you punish them and tell them why they were wrong.

When a teenager thinks they're in love with The One but doesn't think they need birth control, you Gibbs Slap them, then get them birth control.

If your child commits a crime, you expect them to be punished.

None of this changes your love for them. They may go to prison, but they'll see you on visiting days.

No matter how old they get, you always see them as a baby, your baby. There are no conditions.

Show him the Bible passage on loving everyone and leaving all judgements up to God.

Is it legal in India to have a company go after relatives for defaulted loans?

I can't imagine being hounded and harassed into paying a loan I neither received nor signed for.

I found a sale of $1.99 indoor cameras once. I wired my whole house and sent some to my adult child. Technology is amazing.

I've died twice. The first time was hell and did, in fact, feel like a lifetime worth of suffering. The second time was nice and there was no measure of time.

Two Moderna and the first booster. I had COVID after the vaccine but before the booster. I haven't had any boosters since, as I was told it would make my current health problems worse.

Oh, please don't hold back on my account! You are most helpful.

Since the summer started, my normal arthritic ouchies have truly ramped up unexpectedly. My occasionally used walker is now a necessity if I leave home. (Things you don't expect to say in your 40s.) You've given me great information. When I see my pain doctor this month, I'm going to ask about this option.

I'm laughing a bit, though. Who would've thought felony-level fun in the 90s would be available by prescription today? And with zero nose irritation. LOL

Thank you so much!

Thank you, this was really nice to read!

I have a question about the ketamine. I only know that medicine from a party setting a couple decades ago, and once recently in an ambulance. The ambulance injection felt just like the party days, in that it caused a "k-hole." It was not as much fun as teenage me remembered. Are your injections like that? If not, what do they feel like?

All of my doctors agree on one thing: they don't know what the long term effects of COVID neuroinflammation are going to do to people.

Half of them think COVID did this to me, the other half think the vaccine did this to me. One doctor wants me to go see a doctor who lost his board certification for loudly disagreeing with how COVID was originally being treated; he sells snake oil now.

There's no cure for system-wide accelerated joint degeneration, organ damage, and brain damage. So far, I've had nerves ablated, joints pinned closed, quarterly hip injections; many brain scans, cognitive tests, two IQ tests; and my heart and gallbladder tried to quit on me - the gallbladder became medical waste.

I'm on my third painkiller combo now, as the others stopped working. Even if my hips were replaced successfully, the rest of me will still hurt. Why go through that surgery and PT then?

I'm one year into "you'll need painkillers for the rest of your life." Long COVID has neuroinflammation destroying every joint in my body, and eating away at my brain and cognitive functions. Maybe, soon enough, I won't even realize how much pain I'm in.

Doctor recommended a hip replacement. I guess I'll pass.

Said he was "a good man." You know what a good man does? He gives his wife a handgun for Christmas, in case he's not around when someone breaks in.

My dad taught me firearm safety as a teenager. He always said, "Don't point it at someone unless you're going to kill them." Thirty years later, he taught me children the same lesson.

Good for her. I hope her life is peaceful now, and the second victim, too.

His mom chose to cause your mother a medical emergency, then choose to play the victim, and he chose to make it all about himself (while accusing you of that), because you were paying attention to your child and not his tantrum.

He blamed you for his mom's dangerous choice.

Autistic mom, AuADHD kids

Last year, my doctor told me I've done this same thing. She called it survival when I joked and said, "You're telling me I'm basically a con artist?"

Autistic mom, AuADHD kids

I... Just realized my anti-seafood-ness could be autism related.

Thank you.