I (47F) was married for 21 years with 3 kids ( now 16F, 15M, and 13M) when my husband died from a stroke.

My husband was a great man who always tried his best- he always had his heart set on being an entrepreneur, but struggled with making tough business decisions. Two years before the stroke that killed him, he had had another stroke and that made him prone to impulsive decisions. He hired a friend lousy bookkeeper who gave him further bad advice.

My husband insisted I stop working when our youngest son (13M) was born. Before that, I had worked part time as a receptionist and then helped him with admin tasks, cosigned on business loans I didn't fully understand , was on a business bank account. I supported him through the lows of when one business failed and then he started another.

My youngest son " Marc" is severely autistic.

My husband died with a lot of debt and a lot of negligence in terms of bookkeeping and taxes. I tried parlaying my unique experience being the head admin of a household with an autistic kid to executive assistant roles, or school jobs, but besides a noon aid job the schools were not hiring.

My sister invited us all to stay with her and share household expenses but she told me a few months in that her 11 yo daughter is afraid of my 13 yo and my BIL started claiming my 13 yo's expenses were an excessive burden.

They were saying my 13yo needed to leave, which obviously translated to me having to leave, but I had $120 in my account at the time. They evicted us ( but it's only on my record) 4 months ago and my kids and I had to first live in a car and then a shelter.

My sister then calls my older kids behind my back and tells them that if they continue to keep their room clean as before and pull their weight around the house, they could move back in.

Then her and my kids exchange texts where they complain about how dealing with shelters and motels has affected their brother. My kids then tell me they want to move back to their aunt's house. I tell them she evicted me and by extension all of us, and if she doesn't want me or her brother there, then she doesn't want any of us because we are a unit.

Despite that, they continue to want to live with their aunt. I asked them what kind of mom would I be if I just gave my kids away to somebody else. And I didn't understand why they weren't angrier at their aunt and uncle for saying their younger brother was a burden and how them hurting him hurts me and them too.

I told them if they wanted to go they have arms and legs, but if they are making this decision know that their brother will feel like they are traitors and I feel betrayed too. AITA? They are still with me and I really as a mom feel it's unthinkable to just be separate from my young kids and still feel that I like to tell them a hard no, that they need to stay with me because we're a family even when times are a bit tough now.