Right, because the heroine chic that was popular before they came along was sooooo healthy. The beauty industry has always been fucked up. They didn't create that.

I agree, I think we can improve, I just get frustrated when people act like we have it the worst when we don't. When people attack our government and call them corrupt and compare them to Nazis it infuriates me. It undermines the very real suffering of other people.

It annoys me when people get really angry about our government and living conditions and act like it's really bad here. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely problems that need solving but we have it objectively better than most other people. More people live in extreme poverty than don't. More people live in counties with corrupt governments than don't. And no, just because you don't agree with some of our governments policies does not make them corrupt. 

I actually hate the message of that song. It perpetuates the toxic idea that females should be attractive but aren't allowed to acknowledge it.

INFO How much time do you spend on your phone messaging other people vs paying attention to your husband? On it's own, this presents as irrational jealousy on his part. But it could be the last straw in a series of events. I only ask because I am currently dealing with my husband being addicted to his phone. He is constantly on it and he is always prioritising it. If he gets a message he HAS to reply that second. I can't count the amount of times we have been in a conversation and suddenly he's looking at his phone. He doesn't understand why I get upset at all. Sometimes he'll ask me about my day and the second I start talking, he's looking at his phone. When I bring it up his response is "but such and such text me"  

People are idiots. Like what you like. I'm a white girl from NZ and I listen to rap and Hip Hop. 

NTA. Lily's anxiety may be real but it is no one's responsibility but her own to manage it. A lot of people are dealing with their own mental illness or baggage. We don't get to make ours someone else's problem on top of their own. It's awesome that Rose is happy to show her scars. Her sister needs to be more empathetic.

I live in a beach suburb and I regularly see posts on our community Facebook group from Karen's complaining about seagulls being too aggressive when they're trying to eat their fish and chips on the beach. They think the council needs to some how do something about it

This is hilarious. I was once eating outside at a restaurant and the maple syrup on my food attracted wasps. I had to keep jumping up from my table because I'm scared of them. The owner came running outside and was so apologetic. I told her not to worry. Not her fault at all. She has zero control over wild insects.

I think intelligent people watch whatever they find entertaining and let others do the same without judgement.

Why does everyone act like they alone did this? The beauty and fashion industry had been doing that for forever before the Kardashians came along 

I genuinely don't understand the hate they get or this idea that they're famous for nothing. They're famous because they have a reality TV show. A lot of people have reality TV shows and don't get anywhere near as much hate. The fact that it's so successful means it must be entertaining. I've watched it on and off over the years and I find them funny and charming. They're rich because people buy their products. People don't have to buy their products but they choose to. It's no different to any other business. Why is Kylie Jenner or Kim Kardashian selling makeup any different to Loreal or Maybelline selling makeup? Rihanna has a makeup empire and no one hates her for it. You should also look into the legal work Kim is doing. She's not just getting a law degree for the fun of it. She's using her status to fight for freedom for wrongly convicted prisoners on death row. I don't know why that doesn't get talked about more.

I'm a high school teacher in the Southern hemisphere. It's the first day of the winter school holidays. It's 11.22am and I'm still in bed. Life is great.

I'm not an American. I live on the other side of the world and I've never been to USA. I think it's a bit hypocritical. USA views itself as "land of the free" (no one else agrees but that's not relevant). Shouldn't that include religious freedom? USA also seems to take a strong stance against Middle Eastern countries where strict Muslim beliefs are forced on everyone. It's seen as a breach of human rights. And I do agree with that stance but isn't forcing Christianity on everyone heading in the same direction? It might seem harmless at this level but it is still forcing a religious belief and where does it stop? Christianity and Islam are actually very similar. They have the same roots and were once the same religion. Just different branches. There's a mixture of good and bad in both. Aspects of just living your life as a good person and, if you follow outdated beliefs, some really messed up stuff. There's a mixture of people, in both religions, who only follow the rules about being a good person and extremists who use it as an excuse to hurt people. If you force Christianity on people, you run the risk of letting it go too far like they have in the middle east.

Also someone with an eating disorder, what are the other people in our lives supposed to do? We have to be realistic here. 

NTA. He's taken you completely for granted. The idea that love should be unconditional is a complete myth. Of course love has conditions. He is making no effort to maintain his health and that is putting your whole family at risk of financial ruin and being fatherless and husbandless. He is making no effort to maintain his physical appearance, yet he expects you to remain physically attracted to him. Relationships take work and effort to be successful. Part of that work is working on oneself to ensure we are being a good partner. He's not doing that for you. If he's not going to put in any effort then maybe you should walk away.

When I was a kid I refused to even try sour cream because the whole concept of it seemed revolting. Like, we literally call milk products "sour" when they've gone off, so why would we eat sour cream? But once I eventually did try it (with wedges and sweet chilli sauce) holy shit. It changed my world.

Bottle and/or chair flipping. I'm a high school teacher. The flipping completely took over all of my classes. I had to put a strict ban on it but, despite the threat of punishment, I still had kids that would do it. I also have ADHD so the constant "thud thud thud" from the sound of things being flipped feels like being repeatedly punched in the head. 

Soft YTA. I had this situation with my ex. We always spent a lot of time with his family and time with my family came second. We were always running late to things with my family because of spending so much time with his. He also got his family involved in our house, without discussing it with me first. And, suddenly, it was like it was his and his families home and I was just living there. I can imagine the 10 minutes being the straw that broke the camels back.

ESH except your son. I'm a step parent too and I can relate to this to some extent. I feel like my step kids are quite spoilt and can be a bit rude sometimes as a result. It can be frustrating to sit back and watch when their bio parents and grandparents all agree on raising them a particular way and it's different to what you'd do. I think as a step parent, you can see kids a bit more objectively. I know my husband has a blind spot when it comes to the kids and in his mind they NEVER do any wrong, so I understand that aspect. I'm also a high school teacher and I see the impact peer pressure has on teenagers. At that age, friendships are EVERYTHING. It might not seem like a big deal to you but you are an adult with a fully developed brain. He is at a stage where his desire to fit in trumps logic. It's not his fault, it's a development phase everyone goes through. The need to fit in with his peers and the feeling of absolute shame and humiliation if he doesn't is very real for him. Please don't dismiss his feelings. He doesn't have your experience or maturity. This is his reality. He made a mistake he regrets. He's young. He's learning. Have some empathy for him. I'm also really confused about why it's grandad's decision if he gets to cut his hair or not?

Agree so strongly with this comment. Weddings are about celebrating love. Why do people care so much about what everyone is wearing?


YTA. I don't understand people who tell their guests what to wear at their wedding. These people are coming because they love you and want to celebrate you and all you seem to care about is what shade of red they're wearing. As long as the clothes are wedding appropriate, shouldn't you want your guests to wear something they're comfortable in? People don't look back on weddings and remember what people were wearing. They look back and remember if they had a good time or not. Being a bridezilla about their outfits will ensure no one has a good time. You've also made it near impossible to follow your instructions. Your mom has asked you follow up questions. You keep responding with "i don't care" and "it's not that important", meaning she'd probably confused, she finds a dress she likes and suddenly you DO care and it IS important. Your instructions literally seem to be "any red dress... But no, not that one! But any one..." And she's not wearing white. A small part of her dress is white. That's not what wearing white to a wedding means. Get over yourself.

Rich people spend less money. This applies in two ways. One, poorer people tend to be more generous. You go around to a poor person's house and they'll make sure you're comfortable and well fed. Most rich people I know are VERY cheap and will try to avoid paying for things. My husband's best friend is the richest person I know and he won't even buy his own girlfriend a drink when we all go out. The other way they spend less money is being able to afford the more expensive long lasting version of things. They have the cash up front. Poor people can never save for that thing because they're constantly chasing their tail replacing the cheap version that keeps breaking. Even if they don't have the cash, the bank will loan to them money it won't loan to poor people. Rich people are able to easily build their wealth because the bank will loan to them so they can buy investment property and then their tenants pay off that mortgage. They don't have to spend a dime of their own money.

Complete opposite end of the spectrum. I live in a country where guns are super uncommon unless you're a farmer. I've literally never even seen a gun IRL. Reading these stories makes me not want to leave my country.