Galaxy S22+

watch 7 is going to be a beast! plenty of options too, with the Ultra, Classic and FE

my BIL just upgraded a month ago from FTTN to 1000/50. bloody loves it. got stitched up by a bodgy ethernet cable running to his PC bottlenecking the connection but sorted it out quickly.

I have a compound calculator in an excel spread sheet which I use in my planning and investment sheets.

$1000 spent today on something that you dont really need is in reality costing you nearly $3000 of lost opportunity cost in the future (in 15 years time).

If you spend $10k per year on stuff that isn't really needed, you are losing out on potentially $300k at retirement.

I generally have one piece of fruit per day. I hear that the fructose in fruits can only be broken down into sugars in the liver, so if someone consumes a lot of fruits and other high sugar items you can risk having fatty liver


its the eyes πŸ‘€

i think he doesnt mind a pikelete on tuesday

Galaxy S22+

make the s25 a 6.4" screen and keep the s25u at 6.8"

What a lot of fucking garbage that article was.

When I retire and live off my superannuation and savings, lets fucking get the calculator out when I'm 80 and see how much tax I paid in during my working career versus taking out and compare that to those who spend 30 fucking years on the full aged pension living in their own house.

It's not a dumb question. There is name for this type of payment system, it's called the debt snowball method. An image containing the process is linked below.


It helps people with debt see progress with their repayments and keeps them motivated as they clear their debts. It might not be optimum for incurring interest costs, but generally it is outweighed by the psychological benefit of getting satisfaction from being able to quickly clear different debts.

I work in mining, I've interviewed people who came in high vis as well as smart casual. It didn't phase me either way, I'd lean towards wearing high vis that is in good nick.

Rangeway, Spalding, Karloo, some sections of Waggrakine are places I wouldn't live. Anecdotally there is a lot of opportunistic crime going on (looking through unlocked vehicles, nicking stuff unattended from yards like push bikes). Other than that all good. Not sure on schools but there are plenty of options from public to catholic or Christian. The foreshore area is great for kids, plenty of sport options around. The city has all things covered and everything is only a five minute drive. Having just spent a week down in Perth not being stuck in traffic all of the time is a godsend.

It looks like they removed a downpipe to accommodate the extension judging by the cutout in the eaves and the pipe at the bottom. I have lived in a place where a door was set like that (not under eaves), it was a double brick home though. It definitely looks like the reno was done on the cheap.

I'd get out a roofing plumber to have a squiz at what's been done and have a look for any flaws or issues. I wonder if water is running down inside the walls along electrical cables?

the sticks felt like eating chalk without any flavour

its the eyes πŸ‘€

how many toilets do we need nooowwwwww.

i only know a couple of guys who still drink Emu Bitter - most are onto Emu Export (WA)

its the eyes πŸ‘€

i bet he is a 24 year old asian fella.

Roo strike will be the only minor problem you may face. Should be fine - if you sit behind a road train (there should be plenty on the road) they'll give extra protection against the roos. Take the Brand Highway the whole way up.

Sensibo air conditioning controllers. Can automate when they turn on/off based on time or temp, geofencing controls etc