A new car. To be fair, I didn’t get one as a kid either, just a new to me family car with extra responsibilities.

Speaking as a disabled person, your son will need to learn how to still work around his disability. He will need to make up what needs to be done when he feels better. Eventually he may be in situations where there is no help and will need to have the fortitude to do what needs doing and coping skills that don’t involve someone else.

Jeans suck. Come in yoga pants/sweats.

Holy forking shirt balls man

I can’t say that’s all down to pot though. Needing unnecessary college degrees I couldn’t afford to get entry level living wage work screwed me over.

I more often hear a doorbell on a commercial…and then my dog freaks out. It should be illegal to do that in commercials.

Drawing. I’m self taught, but I love instructional books. I’m never going to sell my doodles, but they’re very cathartic.

I’m a parent that stayed. My kid has Autism though and needed that from me for a while. That kid whose party it was has Autism too. We became good friends with that family and others. We did our kids (11 kids, 5 families) parties together for years and all the adults were friends too.

The heritage of that flag is defeat. Other countries don’t tolerate flying traitors’ flags. One of the reasons the US is great is because you won’t get imprisoned for stupid vanity plates. You’re free to put people on blast that you’re both very ignorant and racist. I appreciate knowing who the idiots are. So glad they self identify.

I’ve got a bad back. I use the seat warmers year round. Remote starter is great too though. Wish I had that.

This is beyond Reddit. You could use some counseling. Tell your school counselor or call a health hotline. This is not an ok situation and you deserve support.

When my coworker was going through something similar. I just asked that she throw up a sign that she wanted me to do more. She was struggling after COVID.

For me, it was nausea. My only broken bone made me feel sick.