People thought the Industrial Revolution would lead to less work. It didn't. It just made the rich richer.

Same thing happened with computers automating white collar work. Same thing will happen with AI.

:flag-ma: Massachusetts

When conservatives started glorifying trad wives, MTG misunderstood the assignment and chose to cosplay as a Neanderthal. 


I'm not even gonna comment of that "deaths of millions" line. I don't know enough about Soviet history to comment on it.

But even an ignorant dipshit like me knows that:

  1. "Unflattering"? That statue is badass.

  2. You don't erect statues of people you hate. Statues glorify people. If you want to memorialize alleged atrocities, you create statues/memorials focused on the victims. That's why there are Holocaust memorials all over the world, and none of them are badass statues of Hitler.

for the animals

Late to this thread, but as a 30-something non-competitive weightlifter who's been lifting consistently since I was 14... I think protein is pretty overrated.

Yeah, it'll sate your hunger more than carbs. Yeah, it's important for overall health. But during my phases of chugging protein shakes, I don't recall any noticeable increase in gainz.

Also, this is why you get a suspension wheel. I've been nearly bucked off EUCs by potholes and roots before I started riding a V13.


Been riding for 7 years now. I earned my scars and medical bills.

Carol J. Adams' The Sexual Politics of Meat from 1990 related men's objectification of women's bodies to their objectification of (non-human) animals.

for the animals

Yeah. I can eat it straight — or even better, with some sriracha.

But I'd advise folks to treat it like a condiment, not a base of your meal like regular firm tofu.

for the animals

I know plant-based cooking has fewer options for creamy fats, and this fermented tofu has become a staple of my cooking. It's sold in fist-sized jars of cubed tofu in the spice aisle of Chinese grocery stores. ~ $3/jar, 200 Cal. The texture is very soft — like maybe Brie cheese — and it provides a creamy, pungent, tangy addition to whatever you're cooking. Actually, an older Chinese lady in line behind me happily described it as "Chinese cheese".

My default home-cooked meal now is stir fried veggies with some of this fermented tofu mixed in. Give it a try.

vegan 10+ years

I know plant-based cooking has fewer options for creamy fats, and this fermented tofu has become a staple of my cooking. It's sold in fist-sized jars of cubed tofu in the spice aisle of Chinese grocery stores. ~ $3/jar, 200 Cal. The texture is very soft — like maybe Brie cheese — and it provides a creamy, pungent, tangy addition to whatever you're cooking. Actually, an older Chinese lady in line behind me happily described it as "Chinese cheese".

My default home-cooked meal now is stir fried veggies with some of this fermented tofu mixed in. Give it a try.

Have you tried drinking liquids instead of binge eating? It's usually more filling — and more orally... stimulating (?) — to drink low-calorie beverages, e.g. diet soda, low calorie powdered drinks, coffee, energy drinks.

But if I just want to munch on stuff, I'll stir fry a pan of broccoli or kale. Makes a ton of volume for low calories.

I've also steamed and/or pressured cooked large pots of cabbage. A single head of cabbage is ~ 300 Cal, and it's a HUGE volume of food that can be batch cooked and refrigerated.

Honestly... fuckin' let 'em.

These Gravy Seals aren't going to commit any meaningful form of resistance. And if disillusionment causes less voter turnout, great. The country will be better for it.

I don't care. If reusing this asset saved them several hours that were allocated elsewhere, that's fine with me. That nobody noticed means that it doesn't matter.

I can't wait for her to lose her relevance.

It's really great seeing Republicans ostracizing her — even if they're ultimately doing it towards nefarious end goals.


This is why I can never trust reports of peaceful (leftwing) protests turning violent.

Police and FBI have every incentive to plant bad faith actors in their ranks. They (correctly) know that the establishment media is eager to latch onto any scuffle that might discredit the peaceful, anti-establishment lefties.

Since when can you play fungi?

I thought fungi was just a source of XP.


OHMYDEV! Have I been farming fungi players?!

People want to feel like kings/queens being waited on by servants.

I really want to give people the benefit of the doubt — to find a less-terrible explanation — but I think it really just boils down to putting servants in demeaning positions and having the illusion of being important.

Why do you need this conga line of unenthusiastic waitstaff? Are they dancing? Are they singing? No. The spectacle is having all of these people waiting on you, being tasked with perfecting the tiniest of minutiae for oh-so-important you.

Sometimes I think we should promote veganism as an explicitly leftwing ideology. I think that frames it as a political stance — which it is — akin to other widely-adopted leftwing stances, e.g. anti-racism, anti-capitalism, etc. Leftwing ideologies all seek to dismantle established hierarchies, and veganism is the ultimate form of that — dismantling speciesism.

In my ten years of veganism and vegan activism, I can only name a handful of fringe rightwing vegans here and there... but basically every vegan I've known has been progressive if not leftist. You've gotta be an Olympic-level mental gymnast to somehow think veganism is compatible with conservative ideologies.

But, yeah, to thwart off conservatives, I encourage people to regularly talk about anti-racism, supporting LGBT+ causes, etc. If someone in your circle has objections, boot 'em.