I know that this sub is an anarchist space and the mods do a great job making sure it stays this way

But I feel like a lot of other vegans choose to tolerate vegans that are racist, sexist, transphobic, ect.

They will ruin our spaces. People may argue that by cutting them out, they won't engage in activism, but if we let them in our spaces, they'll make marginalised people feel unsafe. It takes one dickhead to make a bunch of marginalised activists feel fearful for their safety.

Remember, just because someone is vegan, doesn't automatically mean they're a good person.

And for gods sake, if you're going to support a vegan creator or activist, make sure they're not a reactionary.

Edit: for the last time, I'm talking about vegan spaces, I'm not saying that right wingers should eat animals. That is absurd.

Activist groups need to have strict rules against bigotry, and as I've already said, allowing bigotry will make marginalised people feel less safe and less likely to do activism. Not allowing bigotry isn't harmful to the movement, quite the contrary. You give bigots a microphone and they will say bigoted things.