Hang in there OP. When I worked third shift, that's all I did - work, shower, eat, sleep. I never did get the hang of it.

I laughed out loud at this, hahaha. One of my favorite quotes!

Hi, fellow glasses-wearer here. There are anti-fog wipes at Target. I just discovered them this year! The brand name is Zeiss. Amazon sells a similar sounding brand too. And they have some at Lowes, (purple and gold box) but they're more expensive. They've totally changed my life!!

As others have asked - how do we get this on the local news?? Looking for serious answers.

I'm sure I just woke my neighbor up with the loud snort I just did, lol

So, we're approaching " Handmaid's Tale" status..?..

Cute dog :-) Also, that robe/jacket looks so comfy! What brand is it?

I do this so often. (I thought I was the only one)

I hope you discover some helpful answers, and peace within yourself.

This is heartbreaking. But, who is filming....and why? Why make a record of this level of anguish?

Great job, OP! I find that I have to completely abstain from alcohol, otherwise I feel terrible for at least 2 days afterwards, then all of my workouts get derailed. Kudos!

Thank you for your reply. Good luck on the journey!

Thanks for sharing! How long did it take for you to figure out your type? How did you do it? How much shopping did you have to do once you decided which type you were?

I just discovered this Kibbe system. I still don't know my type (but, fortunately, I do know some of the silhouettes that look good on me). But I always feel like I'm hunting for better clothes. It's quite frustrating.

Well put, and very true.