My Ex Boyfriend was a perfectly nice man. He had a stable job, he’d pay for a meal occasionally, he was kind. He even cooked and did some housework. I though I had won the lottery with him and he definitely was the best partner I ever had.

But he would never plan a date, that was all on me. So was all the mental load in the relationship: What are we eating, when are we meeting up, did he get a birthday present for his mum, when did he last spoke to his dad…. It was all on me. Also, marriage just wasn’t on his horizon. The 2 vacations we had been on were very cheap and I planned them entirely on my own.

I am a woman in my mid-twenties, stable career, bi-lingual, loads of hobbies and a tight-knit friend group and FDS made me believe I could do better than this.

Fast forward about a year: I am currently sitting in a very nice Hotel after having a 1h full body massage. My current boyfriend booked all this because he had to work half a day this Saturday. Honestly, I would have just slept in and probably never noticed he was gone, but we had a nice evening, stay at a nice hotel and he booked me breakfast and the spa so I don’t get bored.

He is also very clear about his intentions to propose soon. He is planning all our dates, we go on constant trips and I never pay a penny.

Even though there was nothing wrong with my last bf, I’d never go back