I watched an older guy open the food bulk bin, reach his dirty hand into the bin and pull out a candy to consume. I commented to my wife a little “too loudly” about his audacity. He replied back “ya, I’m crazy.” I said, “No Bro, that’s fucking nasty.” And walked off.

This just happened at the store.

I am so pissed I didn’t start recording. I knew he was gearing up for it as he hovered the bin, kicking one of them in the process. I almost started to document it, but thought better of it.

I had LITERALLY just got done having a conversation with my wife about how dumb it is to have chocolate covered nuts in bulk like that, for nasty hands to reach in and take.

I talked about how I much prefer the one with the handle that drops the stuff into the bag.

And not even two seconds later, here comes this older guy easily into his upper 60s who, I’m sure, was with his even older mother. She was buying bulk, he was being fucking nasty. 🤢 🤮

I said “did you see that? He just put his nasty hand in” he heard me and said, “ya, I’m pretty crazy.” With a chuckle. I replied back saying, “No bro, that’s just fucking nasty.” And parted ways.

I’ll never buy ready to eat bulk food like that.

I have trust issues.

You can’t say never. It just may not have been done through the means of the policy it was.

And you’re right. Maybe Hitler would’ve ruled the world if something else changed.

We only know that we are in a BAD spot right now and we need majority of the people who hide from voting to vote!

Because we went from slave to wage slaves. But times will will go back to real slaves, if we don’t.

It’s not spot on until he has control. So that’s wrong.

It won’t work if people VOTE and get these people removed from office.

So stop saying it is something that it isn’t just yet. keep hope alive and fucking vote.

Fuck this nonsense. I’m a man. I hold my daughter’s hand. Does that make me a groomer?

Don’t waste your time with this nonsense broken ass way of thinking.

If you didn’t look gay, would that change the situation?

Society is fucking broken. And now affection = bad because “they,” whoever that is, “will think this….”

Fuck them. The people who think that do not matter. And most are uneducated morons anyway.

🤣 there is no way you’re able to hear a person even talking next to you during a concert, yet alone capturing the audio of a single person over a the concert speakers.

I worked stagehand for years. I’m deaf because of concerts.

Rings are dumb. I hate wearing them. But I love my wife, so we just bought me a $7 tungsten one off AliExpress.

Thank god too. I’ve lost and replaced it literally 4 times already.

It’s scary because that insane idea is literally starting to feel like our only real hope. History repeating itself. Going from learning about all this type of shit to literally seeing it happen before my eyes.

It’s just feeling so fake. But it’s happening. Here, In America. Right now.

We’re fucked. If Biden wins, we’re fucked. Gorilla warfare is what I see happening.

The religious nuts have been waiting for this moment. They’re literally told their whole life the government is coming for them.

I was raised to be a Christian nationalist. But didn’t drink the kook-aid. I’m no contact with my family over our indifferences. They support this shit.

When you’re a rich person with a house, you see it all the time.

But for me, no. Never. 😆

That’s crazy. Did it get caught on any security cameras?

Damn, after having issues with a contractor. Seeing guys like this doing such an exceptional job. They really are professional. They took more time grooming and cleaning it after than most would take to do the whole job.

I use a gun that shoots water pellets. It works out excellent and they’re just desiccant beads. It does a good job of detaching their nest.

I’m confident the stories like this aren’t in low supply. I’m glad we didn’t lose more. That is a lot of money and time.

I feel your pain. I absolutely can sympathize.

That’s why I documented everything and now my videos, along with this story, along with the audio transcript of the court proceeding, would probably go viral and give me a way to recover my true losses if I’m able to recover the actual ruling (if made in my favor or course). I’ve had a few videos pay me $$$ and anything recovered at this point would be amazing to help us finish this house.

It has been fucking ROUGH!

We bought cabinets for our kitchen, they ended up being over $13,000 and in HORRIBLE condition. Nails literally inside the cabinet, bad alignment, bad material, just absolutely horrific cabinets.

They needed to be remade. They refused and kept our money and took the cabinets. They wanted me to sign away my rights. It’s one of the largest cabinet makers and they have lawyers. I have all the emails and their threats.

I fucking held strong documented the shit out of it and then made a post on line with over a million views. But I never disclosed their company name.

I showed them and said the next one will. I got my money back literally with out even a response.

The check just showed up in the mail about a week after the email sent.

That was a YEAR after paying them.

I know how to hold people accountable. But I get received as an ass hole for doing so by some. Especially when doing so to a stroke victim. It’s crazy. It doesn’t feel good doing any of this.

People want a person to use the court because of cost to litigate makes is cost prohibiting.

But if you blast them on line, you take it out of the courts and hold them accountable. They fold much faster that way.

I like almost all genre. But classic rock, blues, classical and bluegrass sorts sum up my inspiration. But I put a lot into jazz progression theory

I dove deep into music theory. So I study guitar through music theory. So I work on technique a lot but also scales and study chord progressions through jazz theory but standard jazz music isn’t my thing. But when it’s like Randy Newman (think Toy Story theme) that’s more my jam.

But I like mixing genres think classical blues/rocky

Or I like to take classics like what a wonderful world and really put a bluesy feel to it. That sorta thing.

Well I guess it’s good the courts don’t operate under assumptions and a person’s personal opinions such as you.

Here you are trying to make it my fault when it wasn’t. Get bent.

Nope, I was discussing putting them if he couldn’t make grade. He assured me he was fine.

Wish I just did it. Even if it was just for collecting water while hosing off.

Acoustic fingers style Guitar is my go to for asd/adhd management, but my wife is super understanding and extremely encouraging.

As a matter of fact, I was misdiagnosed as bipolar 2/ADHD about 12 years ago. It was my wife that started realizing I was on the spectrum. My therapist is working with me now to get that diagnosis changed. But we also think CPTSD, hence the misdiagnosis of BiPolar2.

And now that I’m aware of my ASD, I’ve been doing much better. Noise cancellation Bose and an I watch to keep me on track have been hugely helpful.

We had bad communication and that caused a lot of issues within our marriage, but now we communicate super well because of all the ASD management shit. So you really do need to manage yourself properly, but you absolutely need a partner who understand and helps you

Just wait until you hear my story about Oregon shitty.