Those of us born in the US have an intuitive understanding of the inch in a way that we do not have an intuitive understanding of the centimeter, in the very same way that you have a more intuitive understanding of the centimeter than the inch.

visceral: characterized by intuition or instinct rather than intellect

Yeah, I have a hundredths rule. I could read it when I first got it.

Was measuring things in tenths of inches common "years ago"?

12? I have seen some rulers that way. I think they're for drafting, to make scale measurements easier, but progressive halves seem far more common: 8ths, 16ths, etc.

Like, at the six inch mark it suddenly changes the number of divisions of the inch? That's extra-bizarre, and bound to cause errors. If you're measuring things that are just under and over 6", you're going to assume the ticks before and after the "6" are of the same length.


Nothing. That's not what I said or intended to imply.

5 is easier than 12.7, regardless of the unit.

Also, inches are more viscerally understandable to those who prefer to use them because that's how things have been measured in day-to-day life for your whole life. I'm sure for you that centimeters are more viscerally understandable.

And what I mean by that is that when someone says "ten centimeters" or "six inches", you don't have to contemplate what that length is. You just know, whereas with your non-preferred unit you have to kind of work it out.

Round numbers with fewer digits are easier than fractions with more digits. 10cm is also easier than 3 15/16".

Well, one has a visceral understanding of it. I guess "you" is ill suited in this context.

Do household rulers have inch markings, and are they divided in tenths?

I recently saw a paper crafts video on YouTube by an English woman. At one point she pulled out a ruler to measure something. It appeared to be an older ruler, wooden, with the sort of shininess from wear you'd expect of a wooden object that was 40–50 years old, maybe more. It had inch markings. This didn't surprise me too much, as lots of paper craft things are based on inch measurements, and it's a lot easier to make something match 5" than to make it match 12.7cm.

Still, something about it seemed odd and it took me a second to realize it was dividing its inches into tenths. Now, I have some decimal inch rulers, but they are for specific purposes (drafting and machining) and this ruler had the appearance of a household ruler.

This feels bizarre to me as an American. Almost the entire reason for using inches over centimeters is because you have a visceral understanding of it, but few people would have a visceral understanding of 2.3 inches.

So, is it common to have a ruler in inches? If you did have one, maybe from the pre-metrication era, would it be common to have the inches divided into tenths?

Raleigh native

If someone shot a "civilian", he probably would also shoot a "civilian". But we don't get alerts for those.

Raleigh native

Everyone who got this bullshit copaganda should report a complaint to the FCC. I believe this is the correct link:

Collapsed permanent notification doesn't say "Tasker"

I want Tasker to have a permanent notification, but when there are no active profiles and the notification is collapsed, all it says is "No active profiles".

Is there any way to get it to say "Tasker" in that situation? Either by itself or in combination?

I said he wrote most of the music for "Comfortably Numb".

That and their total unfamiliarity with "quixotic". Why do they have the vocabularies of third-graders? Jenna has a four-year degree from an accredited university, for god's sake.

Strat / 330 / SE245 / G5120 / Tele

So I ordered a custom neck from Warmoth for my Jackson V. The scale length is 24.75” compared to the Jackson’s 25”. I got it this way because I wanted a shorter neck for easier playability since I have small hands. I got the Tiltback Gibson scale conversion

It's not just scale length that's at issue with neck replacement. It's also where the neck connects to the body, particularly in regards to its distance from the bridge. The Warmoth conversion necks are specifically designed to work for strats. If you could put a standard strat neck on your Jackson and it would be fine, then the conversion neck will work fine, too. I unfortunately don't know if that's the case for your Jackson or not, but, if it is, it'll be fine.


Because no one can tell what you're doing. Are you stopped? Are you signalling left? Signalling right? Slowing down?

The only thing you're communicating to someone else is "it's raining", which they probably already know.

No. Artificial vanilla flavoring comes from wood. Artificial raspberry flavoring comes from beaver anal glands. Except it really doesn't any more.

I'm pretty sure Savory Spice Shop in Lafayette Village way out on Falls does. They certainly have very large jars of everything and scales on the counter.

At high volume, power amp tubes absolutely affect the tone. This is the reason that amp attenuators exist: to allow the power amp to struggle just like it would at high volume, but without your neighbors complaining. If you could just turn down the master volume and get the same tone, there would be no reason for attenuators to exist. (Okay, I suppose, technically, it's more the output transformer that's the thing affecting the tone, but you don't [generally] get an output transformer without output tubes.) It's also the reason you see people recommending lower-wattage amps if you want tube distortion. There's no way that a bedroom player can get a 100W tube amp into saturation, but a 5W amp? Yeah, that's possible.

I know some people that worked at WRAL at the time and they genuinely don't know what happened.


Myself, I was hoping to be able to come up with a way to have the pushbutton pause the main clock and also trigger a single cycle of the main clock. Like I said, I haven't thought it through yet, and I definitely haven't thought through how I might restart the clock after pausing it. If I can figure it out, though, it might also work as the halt signal.


Actually, I just meant the final wires, though I suppose making some non-specific-length trial jumpers from the spool wire is not a bad idea. I'll take credit for it. ;)

That said, I suppose you might as well just mostly use the too-long preformed jumpers for that.


It's common in American, too. I would say we'd be more likely to use it to someone we don't respect than to a child, though:

Grown Man: I am an expert in Kame-Sennin Ryu.

Me: Are you now?

2nd or 3rd grade. Running with pencil in pocket. Currently 49. Still visible.