Tasker: Total Automation for Android

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[DEV] Tasker 6.3.8 Beta - Device Effects (Android 15+), New Tasker UI Condition Editing and Other FeaturesDeveloper

Another beta is now out! A new Device Effects API was added in Android 15 so I added it to Tasker :)

Sign up for the beta here.

If you don't want to wait for the Google Play update, get it right away here.

You can also get the updated app factory here.

If you want you can also check any previous releases here.

Set Device Effects

Demo: https://youtu.be/8mAMHdleGsI

Android 15 specific version of Tasker to use it: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b6xpw3y7zt1q5wl714zbz/Tasker.Android.15.apk?rlkey=xhq8v20wq9kcwru7pz91et7uo&dl=1

You can now use the new Android 15 Device Effects API with Tasker!

For now, it allows you to set

  • Screen To Grayscale
  • Dim Wallpaper
  • Toggle AOD on and off

In the future it's probable that Google will add more stuff to the API like:

  • Toggle Auto-Brightness
  • Toggle Tap To Wake
  • Toggle Tilt To Wake
  • Disable Touch (probably for Watches?)
  • Maximize Doze
  • Minimize Radio Usage
  • Toggle Dark Mode (when this is available, I'll use it in the dedicated Dark Mode action in Tasker so you can continue using that)

You need the special Android 15 version of Tasker above since building apps for Android 15 is still in beta, so I can't do regular Google Play builds with it.

New Condition Editor

Demo: https://youtu.be/7HzEn3cLa2A

You can now edit your action's conditions in the new Tasker UI!

With this comes the new (very requested) feature of allowing you to move conditions around inside the "total" condition!

Also, it's now a bit easier to visualize how conditions will be evaluated with visible groups, when you use the + variants of the operators (And+, Or+, Xor+).

Multiple Editors Horizontal And Vertical Arrangement

Demo: https://youtu.be/u6zUg85bMm4

When you add multiple editors via the UI Tuner, depending on how wide your screen is, Tasker can now position these editors vertically, instead of always horizontally.

If you have a large tablet screen, you're probably still going to get editors side-by-side, even if you enable 4 of them, but on phones with smaller screens you'll see them vertically arranged!

Another cool one is adding 3 editors, and having 2 of them on top of each other, and another longer one on the right. This allows you multi-editor task editing with the 2 vertical ones and then a birds-eye-view of the task in the longer one for example.

Multi-Select Actions, Border Radius, Specific Parameter Type Editors

Demo: https://youtu.be/VZeUA8yOADE

You now have the functionality of selecting multiple actions and then doing something with all of the selected actions, like deleting them, cloning them or toggling their enabled status for example.

You can even do multi-select in different editors simultaneously and the multi-select option will be applied in actions in all editors!

You can also change the border radius of on-screen elements, so if you don't like your UI to have curves, you're good to go! :)

Also, in the future, each different type of parameter in Tasker can have its own editor when you're editing an action. For example, you'll have a different editor for:

  • Images
  • Location
  • Wifi Networks
  • Bluetooth Devices

Each of these types of parameters will have its own type of UI which is specific to it.

For now you can see this in action for

  • Images (very early still)
  • Tasks
  • Widgets

so if you edit any action where you can select one of these, it'll show you a specific editor that is appropriate for selecting that type of thing you're selecting.

My goal is to make it super easy to select any type of input!

Full Changelog
  • Added new Set Device Effects action (not working for now; will only work when building Android 15 apps for the general public is possible)
  • In new Tasker UI, allow to long-select option and delete/clone/toggle multiple actions at the same time. You can even long-select actions on different editors and the long-select option will be applied to all
  • In new Tasker UI, added ability to edit conditions
  • In new Tasker UI, added ability to easily select tasks and Tasker widgets in their respective actions
  • In new Tasker UI, allow UI Tuner to set the border radius of on-screen elements
  • In new Tasker UI, on narrow devices when using multiple editors, show them on top of each other instead of side by side
  • When setting an immutable Task/Profile/Project variable, show an error instead of the action silently finishing in success
  • Allow to continue after error in Arrays Merge action

Enjoy! 😎

Pinnedby joaomgcd👑 Tasker Owner / Developer
Power Profile Issue

I'm on android 11, tasker running fine, except for Power Profile where the phone is connected to a power source. It doesn't run, I checked in run log and it doesn't appear there.

Ping a notification when a shared calendar is updated


I'm trying to get a profile that triggers whenever my samsung calendar app detects a new event has been added to a shared calendar. Ideally it would ping a notification of the event title and description.

I'm very new to tasker so am completely in the dark about how to set this up. Any help appreciated.


How to set a Profile to trigger at a time (with a variable) more than 24hrs away.

I would like to set a profile to trigger, for example, 2 days and 10minutes from now.

If I create a variabel "%TIMES + "2 days + 10min (in secsonds)" and use this in the time setting of a profile it will trigger 10 minutes from now because it only uses the HH:mm part of the variable I created.

So then I thought, when the profile triggers I use a task to check if the current time matches the set time.
But this will most likely never match 100% so I have to build in some margin... Ok, no problem.
Thus if the time does not match I use "stop" to abort te operation, but this will only stop the current "check time" task, which is part of another task....

...and then I thought there must be a better way! Please Reddit, enlighten me!

help with a RegExHelp


I need help with a RegEx in a Variable Search Replace action, please.

I have a %http_data and need to find number.numbernumbernumber for example 3.910 or 0.123 or it could also be 10.000

So far I have this but it doesn't work

Task: Regex

A1: Variable Search Replace [
     Variable: %http_data
     Search: \d{1,2}.\d{3)
     Store Matches In Array: %result ]

Can someone help me, please?

Why this task doesn't work?

I am using Touch Task plugin for gestures. I want to lock the screen with geetures. But it doesn't lock screen.

Macdroid: 5.44.8

Android 14

Can I get someone to test this for me?

Getting anon errors on this when it tries to "restore settings". Trying to determine if it's a Samsung issue, or a Tasker issue.

Profile: Wallpaper Test
Settings: Cooldown: 2 Restore: yes
    State: Orientation [ Is:Face Up ]

Enter Task: Wallpaper Set

A1: Set Wallpaper [
     Type: All
     Image: Download/Pebble Beach.jpg
     Scale: On
     Crop: On ]

A2: Beep [
     Frequency: 8000
     Duration: 1000
     Amplitude: 50
     Stream: 3 ]

Change A1 to an image and path on your device, and start with your lock screen and launcher to something else.

What I'm seeing is it seems to work as it should, but when I exit tasker, and go back in, I see a splash screen with the "anon - failed to store lock acreen" error.

I've shared this with Joao, but just want to get some verification if it's only my device with the issue.


RCS Disable with BT

Hi folks, I'm very new to Tasker and would love some assistance! My vehicle does not support RCS but does support SMS. Is there a way to disable RCS when connected to my vehicle BT and re-enable when disconnected from the vehicle? Any assistance with this would be incredible! Thanks!

How to fix? :AutoInput - Accesibility service not enabled.

I make multiple action...
- change email , remove data from Autoinput , restart phone , try again...
Nothing don't work..
What to make exactly to work ?
Also allow persion with tasker premission adb...

Noob needs helpHelp

Hello, im looking to create a small automation and not sure how.. basically I want when I get to the location of my house, to either open a specific app and click a button in UI or click straight the widget in the home screen based on app id so the gate will open. Can anyone guide me on how to achieve this? Also does the screen needs to be turned on? Or this can happen behind the scenes? Thank you very much.

a shortcut to launch a task that takes a text input?

Hi I have a task that does something with a line of text. Currently I edit the task itself every time so it runs with a text I want. I want to make it simpler so I'm wondering if there's a way to make a shortcut icon or anything that's convenient enough that will take a text input and run the task? I run the task with a different input every time so it must be able to take an input. Thanks in advance!

How to click when find a color pixel?

How to make to find a specffic (F18324) pixel color on screen , on areeax 773 y 1751 to 773 y 1830 and when is find it , to click there?

Ring continuous notification

I have a ring camera, when it detects motion I get notified - but only once

What I'm trying to achieve is

Ring notification detection Continuous notifications Stop notification manually (This will repeat any time there is a ring notification)

I've tried a couple of things but haven't been able to get it to work - any help would be appreciated!

Use chatGPT voice *Handsfree*


First of all let me say I'm not really a pro user of Tasker, but I was able to achieve this and I was happy it worked so I'm sharing it. it might be simple for some of you but I proud I got it to work haha.

I know there's already a whole routine of integrating chatGPT with Tasker. but that's too next level for me.

Basically my problem was that in order to use chatGPT voice function you have to open it and click the voice icon, and after finishing you need to click "end conversation".

I used autoinput to launch voice chat as soon as the app is opened. So all you have to do is say "OK Google, open chatGPT" and you will be able to directly talk to chatGPT.

(This means even if you opened it normally you'd be launching voice conversation. I think with further tweaking I can make the profile only activate if I open it using "Ok Google")

now the other problem arises. chatGPT doesn't have a timeout for voice conversation. so you'd need to use your device to end voice conversation. and since the mic is already being used by ChatGPT; you can use "Ok Google" (right?)

I used autoinput again and with the magic of ui inquiry, I was able to end the voice conversation if it's idle.

You can see it in action in this small video :


TL;DR: Using Tasker I was able to launch voice conversation of chatGPT and set a timeout to end the conversation, all Handsfree.

**Hi, can someone please help me achieve this?**Help

I have no experience in coding or with Tasker. I tried to use ChatGPT to achieve this but with no luck. While trying to follow steps, I can’t figure out how to achieve them as some options are not available. Can someone please update this guide to make it easy to understand and follow on the UI of Tasker (version 6.2+)?

Step 1: Create a New Task in Tasker (6.2+)
  1. Open Tasker:

    • Launch the Tasker app.
  2. Create a New Task:

    • Tap on the "+" button at the bottom right corner.
    • Select "Task".
    • Name the task (e.g., "Calculate Uber Price and Screenshot") and tap the checkmark to confirm.
Step 2: Use AutoInput to Extract Text
  1. Add AutoInput Action:

    • In your new task, tap on the "+" button to add an action.
    • Select Plugin > AutoInput > Action > Configuration.
  2. Configure AutoInput:

    • Tap Easy Setup and switch to the Uber driver app.
    • Identify and select the text fields for total fare, distance, and time.
    • Save these fields into Tasker variables:
      • Total Fare: %totalFare
      • Distance: %distance
      • Time: %time
Step 3: Parse the Extracted Text (if necessary)
  1. Add AutoTools Action (optional):
    • Tap the "+" button to add a new action.
    • Select Plugin > AutoTools > Text > Configuration.
    • Use text parsing to convert the extracted text into numerical values if needed.
Step 4: Calculate Price per Mile and per Minute
  1. Add Variable Set Action:

    • Tap the "+" button to add a new action.
    • Select Variables > Variable Set.
    • Set the variable for price per mile:
      • Name: %pricePerMile
      • To: %totalFare / %distance
  2. Add Another Variable Set Action:

    • Tap the "+" button to add a new action.
    • Select Variables > Variable Set.
    • Set the variable for price per minute:
      • Name: %pricePerMinute
      • To: %totalFare / %time
Step 5: Take Screenshots with Easy Screenshot
  1. Add AutoInput Action to Detect Job Acceptance:

    • Tap the "+" button to add a new action.
    • Select Plugin > AutoInput > Action > Configuration.
    • Use AutoInput to detect the button or UI element that indicates a job has been accepted.
  2. Add Action to Take Screenshot:

    • Tap the "+" button to add a new action.
    • Select App > Launch App.
    • Choose Easy Screenshot to take a screenshot.
Step 6: Display the Result
  1. Add Alert Action:
    • Tap the "+" button to add a new action.
    • Select Alert > Flash.
    • Configure the flash message to display the results:
      • Text: Price per Mile: %pricePerMile, Price per Minute: %pricePerMinute
Example Task Breakdown
  1. Extract Text:

    • Use AutoInput to extract %totalFare, %distance, and %time from the Uber driver app.
  2. Calculate:

    • Set %pricePerMile = %totalFare / %distance
    • Set %pricePerMinute = %totalFare / %time
  3. Take Screenshot:

    • Use AutoInput to detect job acceptance.
    • Launch Easy Screenshot to take a screenshot.
  4. Display:

    • Flash: Price per Mile: %pricePerMile, Price per Minute: %pricePerMinute
WiFi calling only when connected to home network?

Is there a task that can be created to use Wi-Fi calling only when connected to my home network or specified network?

Sending a message on no-events ?

So euhm, I recently bought Tasker cos it just seemed too good of an app to not have, figured I'd have a use of it sometime, and due to my health issues I thought about having it send a message in case my phone hasn't moved or the screen hasn't turned on for a while or something ? Something like a dead man's switch so that if he hears nothing he knows everything is ok ?

is something like that possible with Tasker ? I'm decent at programming but these things go a bit too deep for me to comprehend tbh, if anyone has any suggestions that'd be great.

[ Task Share ] Calc Time

The "Calc Time" task in Tasker is a powerful tool for performing complex time calculations. Whether used directly or with expressions, this task allows you to obtain precise results in different formats.

Input Parameters:
  • Parameter 1 (%par1): Time expression to be calculated. It can include units of hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s), and arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /).
  • Parameter 2 (%par2): Desired return type.
    • Duration (Default): Returns the result in time format (d,h,m,s).
    • Seconds ('s'): Converts the result to seconds.
Return Variable:
  • %ctd: Contains the calculated values in CSV format (days, hours, minutes, seconds).
    • %ctd.m: Returns only the calculated minutes, for example.
Usage Examples:
  1. Simple Calculation:

    • Perform task:
      • Name: Calc Time
      • par1: 1h - 15m + (30m / 3)
      • Return: 55m
  2. Conversion to Seconds:

    • Perform task:
      • Name: Calc Time
      • par1: 1h - 15m + (30m / 3)
      • par2: s
      • Return: 3300
  3. Using the %ctd Variable:

    • After executing the task with the expression 1h - 15m + (30m / 3), the variable %ctd will contain the values in CSV format.
    • %ctd.m: Will retrieve only the minute value, which will be 55.

To use the "Calc Time" task, simply configure the desired parameters and execute the task. The results will be returned according to the defined parameters and will be available for use in additional variables such as %ctd.

This task is ideal for automating time calculations in your Tasker workflows, making time management more efficient and accurate.

(Question) Power tasker users who have Auto location, notification, input etc installed. How do manage notifications clutter?

I want to use Auto apps along with Tasker for things. But Tasker on itself must be battery consuming. How does having multiple Auto apps add to this? Also, won't it lead to 4-5 permanent notifications just for Tasker and apps.

Trying to make gps bubbles

So I have a project idea, and am hitting a block in how to implement it.

I want to do things when my wife and I are near each other. My first thought is geofences with autolocation. But that creates stationary points on the map. How could I make geofences that follow us?

Start fresh How To

TBH I stumbled on to Tasker and I really did a half-assed job on the installation and configuration. I'm getting ready to subscribe and the complexity of the app has me uneasy and concerned that I will be creating new problems and bringing along junk that could create more work and frustration in the future. So I want to clean slate and start over following a guide and checklist to be sure the install is as good as it can be, with permissions and location as they should be. I have installed a few things from taskernet that I would like to backup but if that's more hassle than it's worth I can try reinstall later.

Where can I find the best guide and explanation of concepts to get this "done right" and be back to a baseline functionality to start the journey afresh? Thanks in advance for anything you can give. 🤙✌️

Looking for plugin alternative

Hello, I've used that fantastic plugin for years : Twilight

It has apparently been abandoned by it's author (no updates for years) but was still working flawlessly. Unfortunately it is not compatible anymore. Could by chance someone have a suggestion for an alternative?

Can this app be used for scheduled call forwarding?


Tasker has come up as a possible solution for automated forwarding of an on call phone and I am wondering if anyone has used it in this manner.

I am a nurse working in a setting where we don't have nurses on site 24 hours a day but we have nurses available by phone 24 hours a day. The nurses take turns sharing in covering the phone. Until recently we have just forwarded the phone manually but won't be able to continue this pattern.

We are looking for an application that will allow us to set a repeating calendar for forwarding the phone to different nurses on different days that also allows some flexibility to change who to forward to for holidays/vacation/sick days/etc.

We are nurses, so while we are medical equipment savvy, we need an application that is more plug-and-play or fairly simple to learn.

I am hoping someone might have some experience with this and advice on whether Tasker is the right tool for the job we need done. All input is welcomed.

Oh, and to complicate the matter, we are all using Andriod based phones that have two virtual SIMs to update our numbers while allowing our "old" numbers to still work. Not sure if that influences the conversation or not. Manual forwarding of the phone to either SIM associated number has been working well.

Thank you!

[HELP] Error out of memoryHelp

I have always had that problem with Tasker and maybe it is because of my Samsung S24, but lately it has gotten worse, I constantly get that error and the only two solutions I can find are to restart the phone or force stop, however I get a couple of other problems: OR The last changes were not saved or the accessibility service is deactivated after forcing it to stop, and to reactivate it the process is long on Samsung, Xiaomi and Huawei devices due to "security issues".

Does anyone know how to fix it? Restarting or force stopping every 2 minutes is not a good option, I also disabled the Hardware Acceleration option but no luck, there are no pleasant solutions in other Reddit posts either.

Please help! I'm tearing out all my hair because of the stress...

Automatically transfer recent media from an Android device to a MacBook using KDE Connect.ˇ

Hey, everyone! I'm new to this. I spent the whole day doing my best to build this automation, but ultimately failed. I attempted to seek help from ChatGPT but still couldn't find a working solution. So I'm trying this community now :)

I shoot videos using my Galaxy S24 Ultra phone. I use a remote to start and end recording while the phone is placed on a tripod away from me. I would like to use my MacBook Pro to instantly access the footage I just recorded, instead of manually transferring it from my phone to my MacBook. Currently, I use KDE Connect to share videos from my phone to my MacBook manually, and it works well.

I would like to set up an automation process where, upon turning it on, any new media created in the Gallery after I finish recording a video will be automatically sent to my MacBook Pro's download folder using KDE Connect.

How can I achieve this automation? Thank you!

AutoInput UI Query + Regex Match Text

Please help guys as I've tried without getting the desirable results.

I'm using Tasker AutoInput UI Query to check an element on screen which is working great. Additionally, I want to match two different strings together with the AutoInput UI Query (using Regex). Matching one string of text is easy. Let's assume the two strings of texts we want to match on screen are "String of texts" and "Another string" so that but strings must be visible on screen alongside the element matched before we can set the variable.

How can I successfully do this because I've tried all I know and have searched the internet but have failed finding a solution?

PS: I'm looking for a solution that will put everything I've talked about into one AutoInput UI Query.

Thank you.
