Three California Triptych because you're not tied to a trilogy if you don't like it.

They're doing all of that and I'm thankful, but the only people that can afford to move here are rich assholes with zero self-awareness, and that's not a base that actively supports such things. In fact, they're more likely to oppose them.

lol. I wasn't talking to any locals. I've been here my entire life, too. Just tired of all the transplants being rich but not self-aware. They move here and immediately start bitching about the strain on infrastructure, as if they aren't the cause of it in the first place.

If you don't like it - leave. That's the only way this is solved. Path dependence didn't start when you got here.

Advocate for Idiocracy supports capitalism and yearns for being stupid.

Very on-brand.

Rich entitled assholes fighting over DTF property

ROUND 8,347

Anarchist Ⓐ

No one on the Left is saying that, so this is a straw man argument.

Idiot. They (and most everyone else) were following the science. The fact that the government also did that is inconsequential.

RAC was never punk, just an appropriation of such for propaganda.

The fact that you think the Democrats are leftwing cements the fact that you don't know what you're talking about.

"Snow Eyes" by Stephanie Smith and its sequel, " The Boy who was Thrown Away"

Duel of Sorcery trilogy by Jo Clayton.

Moongather, the first book, shifts between time when the MC is a child and adult and goes through a lotsa traumatic events that gives her a definite feminist perspective on things.

Capitalists demand things be privatized. "The will of the people" does not factor into it when something is private. It is thus, "undemocratic". Now rig the whole system to serve capital and you have a dead democracy.

Come on, this is grade school level. Try to keep up.

Nobody thought it was real. The director was a arrested because they they thought the impalement was real, but not the whole film.

There were punks in my town that wanted to burn it down when the sign in the window went up.