Great point! Everything about this video fits this sub perfectly

Heartwarming. The dive that buddy took into the pool was serious he was not messing

It is possible the kid flat out missed the sign (some are found in areas by steps leading to the house, for example), or for whatever reason saw the sign and decided to ignore it (lack of training, arrogance, etc)

However he immediately left and gave you no sales pitch. Be infuriated with those who still advance

This is clearly not nutsedge it’s nutsack see y’all later

Ngl dude I had to rewatch the video after I saw your comment cause I was like naaaaww

Plus, ass

I like this take, take my upvote. Also, Tigers up 4-0 B6 right now

Y’all seen the Jars ones that have been popping up more recently? Every. Single. Billboard of theirs has a sexual innuendo on it which…..why?!

Why is “Major League Baseball” abbreviated as “MBL” in their description of business operations

Regardless of the rankings who tf saw the AL central being this competitive at this stage signed sad tiger fan

If people just minded their fkn business stuff like this would happen less often that’s my story I’m sticking to it

Start smoking cigarettes you won’t have much of a choice signed, me

Broo why she sit there so long & who allowed this lmao had to of known another ball coming