Yeah was just talking to a friend about this. The chips were always on point too.

I liked the one at the Fox Hotel. Still pretty good

I think the catch is to ideally travel to a country where English is not the primary language. Going to an India or Japan is such an eye opening experience.

You learn quite a lot and I definitely feel it shapes you a as a person with lessons you can't learn at home.

Going to another English speaking country to a main city feels the same in a lot of different countries and may not be the same benefit compared to going outside of your comfort zone.

Visit the tailor. The comment about tapered and hem is how I get it done. If you are in Melbourne I highly recommend Lonsdale Street Alterations (on Swanston St now). He is phenomenal and does the stuff for APC and some other brands from memory

It is interesting - City have leaked goals the last couple of seasons. They get the wins but it is rarely a clean sheet.

Leverkusen or Munich?

You were close on the profit idea. You can reference DORA metrics as an example and apply it to your work. So impact could mean:

  • time reduced to complete a task (time = money) by simplifying or automating a process humans would need to do

  • improved reliability by fixing a known bug / scaling issue etc (downtime = money lost)

  • saved cost by reducing infrastructure needs eg. Made a function / app more efficient so rather than needing a bigger resource to run it it can be smaller or time needed for it to run is reduced

You don't need to hit a home run on everything. If you can address one of the above with your work and explain it you are in a good spot.

  • Thursday night drinks are the new Friday night drinks

  • Rent / Housing is super expensive

  • Food is expensive. Eg price of a Parma is now like 30 everywhere

  • bulk billing for a gp is basically dead. Expect to be out of pocket to see a gp

I am pretty sure Rose Anvil did a video on them - give it a watch and you will fall out of love with them. One of the biggest rip offs in sneakers unfortunately

I would send to SGC if it is convenient for you. Quick turnaround and no up charge and then sell as is if the grade is 9 or higher. Crack it out and sell raw if 8 or below.

Depends what your budget is? I like Godwin Charli and would recommend them but if you have not got a lot finding a brand that fits you 80% there and having a little tailoring done is just as good

Drive safe and avoid the speeding fines.

There is effort but the effort needs to be weighed against the benefit received from everything being standardised on terraform.

Personally if the team was able to choose their IaC preference and it is working for them I would just let them keep it if the IaC is specific to the workload the team manages.

As someone else mentioned the tough part is giving the work the right level of respect and priority amongst the other work - this should not be something that you chip away at an hour or two a week but just go all hands on deck and get it done.

It feels like this is part of the combining with UFC. Big fights you normally get this walk out view and they have now rolled this into WWE.

Didn't catch UFC 300 but I imagine their lighting and pyro is going up a notch

Buy you a feeling from The Simpsons - you hear the sax come in and then they cut it off.

The song playing in the car that interrupts Tom Dubois singing Burn in the street on The Boondocks.

Yep +1 for Iam roles anywhere. It is a great option when oidc is not available

I never understood people wanting stone cold. Yes you would you hear the glass shatter, Austin coming down in an ATV but the Austin character would not only stun Rocky but would also stun Roman and Cody for the hell of it. Or after stunning Rocky and Roman do the drag of Cody onto Roman for the pin which is proper interference. Finesse was never Austin's mo.

That was why Taker made sense. Lay out Rocky and leave so there was no "interference" and as close to a clean win Cody could get.

I thought the whole break my heart again was Cody gifting Rock the main event vs Roman and then taking it back a few days later?

Outside of the weird botched last man standing match it has been an incredible run. The Sami title match and Jey title match were epic. The lesson for everyone is don't underestimate what fixing your teeth can do

Just perfection. I am looking forward to what Seth comes back as after his break. Hopefully he can retire the crazy dressing annoying forced laugh character for something more himself like how he talked with through the team up with Cody

Yep after all that happened in the previous 3 minutes the ring cleared out and Roman holding the chair, taking a beat to decide what he wanted to do and then unload on Seth with Seth doing the same sell as Roman was just perfection

As everyone has said - don't complain about prices on Uber Eats. Uber takes a massive cut on top of GST. Please order direct from places and just pick it up.

Unfair to call it fraud when they are playing 3 games in 8ish days. Fraud is a full 7 days between games and then dropping someone to the bench. That is peak Pep. lol