If anybody has a musical instrument and skill, that's great, Singing by a campfire is pretty great. I'm a boomer, here's my doc of lyrics. Deck of cards, maybe outdoor games. Learn to make shadow figures. For me, setting up camp, cooking, hiking, cooking, beer, campfire is plenty. Bring camp chairs. Long forks and marshmallows. I usually bring a small amount of good whiskey or brandy for sitting by the dying fire, please don't be loud and rowdy at a camp ground at night.

Life Jackets. Pool noodles and other flotation toys are fun and add to safety. If it's safe, moonlight swimming is really nice.

Ocean State Job Lots in Falmouth often has them. Last I looked, Hannaford and Shaws had them, and I'd be surprised if Market basket didn't. I open a can of beets, pour out most of the liquid, add a big splash of apple cider vinegar. Wait 15 minutes or a couple days. They're really sweet, don't need more sugar, just some vinegar, but too much is, um, too much.

Regular leash, long lead. food & water bowls, blanket, sweater. Food, treats, toys of they like them. Most Important - Get a tag for their collar with your mobile number(s). Some Walmarts have a machine you can use to make your own. A friend put an air tag on the dog's collar. My dog's harness has reflective threads woven in, and we both wear a reflective band when walking at night.

I don't love using a sleeping bag, so I use a flannel sheet folded as a pad, plus fleece blankets and a down comforter. Wool blanket as backup. regular pillow. More often, I sleep in my car, with screens on windows. It's a Prius; I can leave a fan on if I want. They make battery operated fans. You'll get more accustomed to it and sleep better as you do it more and adjust sleeping setup.

I traveled around the US in a Honda minivan. Only paid to camp in National Parks and a few great state parks. Window covers and stealth, was never questioned at all. It was excellent. If you have a job, charge devices and a backup battery at work. Clean up at work, shower at the gym.

Tent top will not be stealthy. Campgrounds are not very cheap. You may need a storage unit. test drive your plan; car camp, find places to stay, see how it feels.

I love Arbys. Roast beef and horsey sauce, curly fries, jamocha shake. The beef is salty and kind of processed and if you expect something different, you'll be sad. It's a nice alternative to the burger joints.

I wish the jalapeno popper units came with a better sauce. They're better than other fast food joints, but the sauce is .. not.

Reading comments, I see that I must try the turnovers. Great, I need more sweets. sigh.

Let's consider the possibility that the OP is accurately reporting how they feel and that for whatever reason, their goal is 2000 calories.

My dishwasher jas a place where you can put dishwasher deterg for the 2nd cleaning stage, but the little spring came out and it's too fiddly for me or the handy person to fix. So I use pods, which are supposed to be made to dissolve sequentially. It's a fully cromulent response to a 1st world problem.

Maybe bring a deck of cards, and think of some word games or campfire stories. personally, I love singing at a campfire. If you bring a phone, star identification maps, watch satellites.

you can get a satellite view from google. Doesn't look well maintained but not abandoned, either. Worth going for a drive to have a look.

Carbs and fiber can make you feel full; fat makes you feel satiated, and the OP is looking for calories.

Most Americans don't eat near enough fiber. Fiber helps your body regulate carbs and sugar. I eat fiber, it doesn't necessarily make me feel full.

There is a lot that can be done, we lack the political will to do it. There are already a lot of climate deaths, climate refugees, and it's going to get a lot worse.

Sliced red peppers are delicious and easy. Cabbage is cheap, delirious raw, underrated.

Eat more fat. high in calories, will help you feel full. make fried potatoes, eat sweet potatoes with butter. beans & rice and add oil or butter when you cook the rice. fried rice with veg and a little meat, use oil to fry it up.

I agree it's rude. Some people on my Buy Nothing group are super fussy about precise pickup time, which is difficult for me, but you have been super flexible. Re-post as a No-Show, maybe she'll notice.

Nah. She might do fine in an efficiency motel; she can use her savings.

When I worked from an office, I made extra when I made chili, pasta sauce, soups, etc., froze in portions for work lunches. Otherwise, I usually made wraps - pick from Protein - beans, leftover meat, scrambled egg, sausage, hummus, tuna, all sorts of cheese, Veg - salsa, avocado, sweet potato, leftover roast veg, fresh greens, grated carrots, Starch - rice or potatoes. obv., don't freeze most salad greens, and potatoes don't freeze well. use mashed beans or rice to absorb liquid. I often brought salsa separately in a container; salsa is a required element for me. use waxed paper so you can microwave it at work. Jalapenos, or pickled onion perk up boring wraps or sandwiches.

Veggie wrap - lots of fresh greens, some hummus, maybe some cheese, bring some good dressing.

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are under-rated.

i love meatloaf sandwiches, meatloaf is a great meal, and terrific in a sandwich with a little dijon mustard.

Your cleaner should respect your requests. No, you don't use the toilet cleaning cloth to clean anything else. I don't use paper towels much, but I do for the toilet. That said, any cleaning solution killed any germs, then things dried and that kills germs, them the walls are exposed to air. There's no contamination, but that cleaner would not return to my home.

Temu is annoying AF. They do popups with a roulette wheel that I hate a lot, but now other companies do it. Temu has some okay stuff, some useful trinkets. Most of your goods are made with terrible labor practices. Buy less.

I love Lenovo thinkpads. There's a bunch of models, I use the workhorse T series, used, ebay. T560 working well for me, esp. increasing RAM to 16.

Use it wisely; it's reasonably toxic.

I got some agricultural permethrin, dilute it, treat a set of clothes. I have a skeeter net that goes over my head, may get an outfit. I am considering a propane-powered skeeter killer to put in the woods. I plan to do this skeeter trap, and this article is helpful. Then town re-dug ditches, badly, and now there's standing water, which is a skeeter and black fly farm. Windham public works have been jerks. Slowly filling back in with sand and gravel.

I have some lemion-eucalyptus repellent that works quite well and smells nice. need to use a thermacell, too.

Some people will develop tolerance after getting bit a lot. I'm not one of those people.