We are newbie family campers who just finished our first night camping. The overall experience was great except that come bedtime, neither of us parents slept more than about 2 hours (our kiddo slept just fine, thankfully).

We were a bit overzealous when planning our summer and have a few more trips scheduled. Now, I am not looking forward to them as much for fear we wont sleep.

Our setup consisted of a Big Agnes Hinman 4” pad on top of a moving blanket. We let it self-infalte and forgot to top it off before our kiddo was asleep. So it probably was not at 100%, but overall it was still pretty supportive.

We each slept in individual mummy sleeping bags. The mummy bags felt restrictive to both of us and neither of us had a good pillow setup.

There was a chance for rain so we had the rain fly on which made the tent a tad stuffy, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. We definitely wished we had a fan.

We were at a state park so there was noise but nothing obnoxious or disruptive. White noise still would have helped.

Things I feel like we needed:

-white noise (fan sleeper all my life) -moving air (fan) -sleep aids (i take melatonin at home and forget to bring it) -allergy meds (also forgot- nose got stuffy in tent)

My hope is addressing the things above to mimic our at home sleep routine will help. We only stayed one night so maybe night two would have been better, too.

Any thoughts? I feel like we will end up having so much stuff just for sleep it seems like overkill but the lack of sleep definitely put a damper on the second day.

EDIT: whoever is going through and downvoting everyone’s comments, get a life.


EDIT 2: So many good suggestions! Thank you all!