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2024 /r/Camping Beginner Question Thread - Ask any and all questions you may have here

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Pinnedby cwcoleman
Reflective guy lines-a game changer

I finally bit the bullet and replaced the guy lines in my tent with some that are reflective. After setting up my tent, I realized it was a bit of a tight space to walk through and remembered how many times I tripped over lines in the middle of the night the last time I camped with the Scouts. One kid had reflective guy lines which I thought were genius. I drove 20 minutes to town and grabbed some (along with a couple other forgotten items).

I’ve got to say, they were worth the money. Not an expensive purchase, but also not a “necessary” item that I normally wouldn’t spend extra to buy. Get them. I’ll be replacing the lines on my canopy and my son’s tent next.

Camping neighbours from hell.

I just need to vent. We are camping at a little park near a touristy part of town, so really, we’re bypassing getting a hotel and getting to camp which we love. This isn’t really a nature lovers campground, it’s quite small and there isn’t much to do in terms of pitching your tent and driving over to town. The sites are pretty close together and there aren’t many trees to block each one off. So you get the picture. Our direct neighbours are lovely but the campers a site down dug up their way here straight from the pits of hell. Imagine 4 middle aged dudes, who all somehow decided to bring their poor dogs. Get plastered in the middle of the day. Blasting horrible music that was also somehow a political statement? By the time evening comes around they’re all scream fighting at eachother, the one biggest goon starts calling everyone slurs, continuing to crush back beers, someone is crying. Park rangers come to shut them up, they now start drunkly whining and moaning about how they paid to be here. And at an ungodly late hour, these idiots finally shut up and went to sleep. There’s kids and families not even meters away from them.

I was finally able to get to sleep, but I was abruptly woken up by the most horrific sounds of a grown man vomiting, so incredibly loud and violently. Like I feel like I have a hangover just hearing it. I think this woke up a new phobia I have. Anyway campers from hell. Oh also, I found their dog wandering off site and I walked it back to them, poor thing.

Recommendations on camping chairs for my pregnant fiancé

Any recommendations on double camping chairs as well as a good one for my pregnant fiancee?

Solo camping on a campsite multiple nights, no car, how to keep tent safe?Trip Advice

So I'm planning to take solo backpacking trip to Austria and Slovenia, spending 2-3 nights in each. I have previous hiking experience with a group and festival camping so I'm not a total amateur but I have not camped solo before.

What I am wondering is how do I keep my tent and backpack safe? I am planning to stay in a designated campsite, go hiking and exploring during the day meaning my tent and all my things are being left unattended. Is the only option to just hope in the goodness of surrounding campers and hope nothing gets stolen or is there anything else I can do on my part?

New here and looking for food for a big red neck crowd idea!

We’re going to a family reunion in three weeks. Dispursed camping. We’ll be in a pop up but have pretty much everything one could need to make any kind of food. What are your “go to’s” for big crowds for food?