I was you. Check out Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers. It got be back into fiction and storytelling. Its a quick and enjoyable read.

Its like being allergic to air. They’re everywhere.

Right now?

Its 945p and one family is trying to calm a crying baby. A father and son duo across the road are prepping the morning coffee by flashlight. My wife is reading to our son (who tested our patience in every way today). The loud college kids across the loop are having fun but have turned their music off and seem to be decent kids.


I am sipping a Spotted Cow and watching the fire die.

2 adults plus kiddo plus car seat. Not gonna work. 😂

Some day maybe. A man can dream.

So true. Its always a bad idea. I try and have the least controversial takes and still usually wish I had never said anything at all. 😂

Ive been youtubing a bunch of videos on tarp shelters and I definitely think thats the way to go if rain is expected.

I ordered a 16x20 off Amazon for $20 and some extendable poles in case trees are not close enough.

See my recent post for any additional tips not mentioned here.

Exactly. Survivor is a glorified game show. It’s fun to root for someone or hope to see someone voted off. The challenges are sometimes entertaining(not so much recently).

I have watched every season and can only name a handful of winners and would absolutely fail any quiz on what season they won, etc.

Toxic behavior exists online and in real life in every fanbase, hobby, political view, etc.

Plus, watching Survivor doesn’t make someone a “reality tv fan”.

There are dozens of shows way worse than Survivor in terms of drama and toxicity. I couldn’t be paid to watch 95% of whatever is classified as “reality tv”.

I in no way relate to people who sit around hate-watching Real Wives, dating shows, or exploitative shows like 600lb life, etc.

Survivor is a glorified game show. If some fans make it part of their cult of personality, they have deeper issues that have nothing to do with Survivor.

I know people who are working remote. Not sure about residents.

OMG he’s sampling Abracadabra 🤯 I loved this song when Sugar Ray covered it on 14:59 waaaaaaay back.

Well, I think media corporations and such have gotten really good at sucking us all into it. I am trying to extricate myself from all of the crap we have distracting us every day now, but its not easy.

We have definitely been tapping into savings more than when we were both working. The transition to SAHP happened right as post-COVID greedflation went into full gear.

Throw in a couples of moves just to find cheaper rent and a better area.

Chances at owning a home on one income evaporated. Part-time daycare? Too expensive if you can even find one. Social support? Nonexistent.

As soon as my child starts full time school ill be back working so we can save again. This was not the plan.

My sanity? Questionable.

Call it what it is. The rich are fucking us all over.

FWIW, I am a big Survivor fan and have no idea why CBS issued this statement. I can only assume it’s just like every other thing online where a few toxic humans started harassing people from the show.

If so, those people suck, but it absolutely does not represent fans like myself.

Some people maybe. I have watched every season of survivor and come away sometimes confused or disappointed with the winner or whatever, but that lasts all of 12 hours before life goes on.

There are people who take things too far in every fan base, Survivor being no exception.

Yeah, stay away from that sub and the show is way more fun to watch, especially if you watch with someone IRL and dont come online looking for positive discussion.

Thats an unfair assumption to make of people who watch Survivor. Fans like myself do not watch the show just to hate on people.

We watch because watching human behavior is fascinating and we have come to love the elements of the show. Just like any show.

Not everyone is sitting at home hating on the contestants or harassing them online, or doing whatever caused this response from CBS.

The mere fact that I have no idea why CBS issued this statement should be some evidence of that.

Ok, I watched a Youtube video that explains it. Thanks!

I use the NWS website for forecasts. Its now a 40% chance of rain and thunderstorms mostly overnight into tomorrow. But the total precipitation is barely 0.1”.