I think this is a plausible outcome. She's already made steps in this direction, when her and Oscar decided to tell Ironwood the truth about Salem in Vol 7. I think they said something like "Ozpin only trusted himself with the whole truth" but they were making others prove themselves before sharing the truth.

Now, Ironwood's reaction to the truth definitely was not what they wanted, but it was a step towards realizing that "sometimes you can't simply do things alone". This is also something that Ruby has been struggling with since Vol 1, as she caused Weiss to set the forest on fire when she tried to take out the Ursa without communicating to her teammate, and in her own words, she tried to 1v1 a Nevermore.

Learning that even heroes need help to do what they do would be a big step for Ruby this volume.

Two clowns are eating a cannibal. One says to the other, I think we messed up the joke.

Did you hear Old McDonald got a promotion? He's now the CIEIO.

Why do gorillas have big nostrils? Big fingers.

Why couldn't the lifeguard save the hippie? He was too far out man....

My wife said I never listen to her, and I thought "that's a weird way to start a conversation ".

My grandfather has the heart of a lion, and a lifetime ban from the zoo.

I can tell when people are being judgemental, just by looking at them.

In an old abandoned mine

In the only valley through the mountains

On an iceberg

Just behind a waterfall

If you really knead dough, you can always try the bakery. But if it burns down, then your career is toast...

LFG: Fun teenager looking for group of friends to play House's & Spouses every Friday two hours before dusk. No previous experience necessary.

Could the owner of the White and Black Gelding please remove him from my field. He is constantly harassing my workers, and ruining my crops!

Lost: Invisible Stalker. Answers to "Larry". If found, please return to Wizard Tower. No reward.

Train your Brain! Play this game for only 5 minutes per day, and greatly improve your mental faculties! (Sponsored by the local Intellect Devourer)

I invented a new word todayRule 2
Moderator removed post

That's probably it. I never noticed anything in elite levels. I didn't know it was nerfed in Reaper. Thanks

Why am I constantly getting minimum heals?

I've been running a Dragonborn Wizard with the Eldritch Knight progression path. I've noticed however, in the last week or so, every time I drink a CxW pot or use a magical item to cure myself, I'm only getting the minimum amount of healing, and sometimes less. For example, I was just testing out my observations, and drinking some CLW pots, and I was constantly healing 1-3 hit points, instead of the 3-8 that I should be. Is there something that I'm missing that's causing this? Or is it a bug? Note: when I'm getting heals directly from a caster, I'm getting the full benefit of the spell. It's just the CxW pots and Restoration pots that are giving me minimum.


That's exactly what the blind man said....


Did you at least give him good marks on his report card for 'marrying' you for the year?


At what age did your parents sit you down and tell you that no matter what they offered in return, they could not arrange a marriage for you?