Two-Sentence Horror Stories: Bite-sized scares.

r/TwoSentenceHorror1.4M subscribers78 active
[PLEASE READ] Sh!tposts, permabans, and literally 1984.⭐ANNOUNCEMENT⭐

This is all dumb.

For the past several months, the sub has experienced a flood of intentionally poor quality stories in an effort to get onto parody subs and TikToks. We've historically hit you with a strike (🔴) and if you received three, you were permabanned (check out the wiki).

However, if you've submitted one of these stories in the recent past, you may have noticed that your account was permabanned from TwoSentenceHorror without going through the strike process. While we've made this current one-and-done rule known within each of our monthly announcements for forever, we felt it was only fair to have a separate post to lay out the approach.

If you intentionally submit a poor quality story (we're looking at you "meat worm" and "killer guy" crews), you will be permabanned with no warning.

If and when these posts chill out, the mod team will reconsider this rule. Until then, please continue to report these intentional poor quality stories, read the sub rules, and submit awesome, horrifying tales to maintain the quality of the sub!

Pinnedby MintClickerModerator:snoo_scream:it means mint clicker
June announcement and May winners!

Happy June!

Before we get into this month’s prompt, here's a few announcements for your pleasure and enjoyment:


  • Big thank you to those who helped flag rule breaking posts this month! We're still seeing troll posts and appreciate everyone's help keeping an eye out for posts that don't fit the sub.
  • We are continuing to remove most posts about gratuitous sexual violence as per Rule 7: Overused Tropes.
  • We're also removing stories that use spoiler tags, spoiler marks, or irrelevant NSFW tags, as these constitute formatting gimmicks, again as per Rule 7.
  • Obvious💩-posters will be permabanned! Read more here.
  • Lastly, be familiar with our Three Strikes and you're out rule-- trolling or sexualizing minors will typically get you a strike. If you earn a 🔴, it will take 60 days of chill to clean it up. Read more here.
JUNE 2024 Contest Prompt

For those in the Northern Hemisphere June holds the Summer Solstice, where the night is at its shortest. Dusk is pushed back and the dawn comes early-- all that daylight seems to invite every manner of celebration.

Weddings, reunions, and parties in general all see an uptick this time of year and of course: those who've completed their study programs celebrate their graduation.

And there's our theme and our prompt for this month's contest:


You may use reasonable variations of the word (ex: graduates, grads, graduated, etc). While the theme refers to graduation in the academic sense, we'll also accept definitions relating to metrics (graduated income tax, graduated cylinders, etc).

This theme is less flexible than last month's, so we anticipate a more difficult challenge and wish everyone the best of luck!

PS: Congrats and job well done to anyone graduating this month :)

Of course, entries will always be weighed against sub rules!

Properly formatted June 2024 examples:

[JUN24] I chose this month's prompt to brag about my upcoming graduation from murder school! By the end of this month I'll have a bachelors degree in killing!

[jun24] This is the first sentence. Please don't let that distract you from the fact that this month I'm graduating from murder school!

Improperly formatted examples:

[june2024] The 'e' in June and the '20' in 2024 make this a doubly incorrect tag. I'm afraid this shameful error will cast a negative light on my graduation from murder school.

[JUN24] This time the tag is right. But I forgot to include the prompt because I'm so overtired from all the hours I put into the lab practical in Killing 101.

June 2024 Contest Rules

  • Submissions that are improperly formatted, do not fit the theme, or break any of the existing sub rules will be disqualified and removed.
  • The top 10 highest-voted stories will be the winners!
  • Winners can only place in the top 10 once. The highest of the entries will be their winner.
  • Only net new stories will be allowed (no repurposing old stories you've previously submitted).
  • Max three stories per day as a general rule, and all three can be used towards the contest.
  • Winners will be decided by total community upvotes. In the unlikely event of a tie for the top spots, moderators will vote for a tiebreaker.


1st, 2nd, and 3rd Places: You receive a custom personal flair of your choosing to show off to the TSH community! (If you're a repeat winner, you can modify your flair.... but that's it.) And a cool fancy flair on your winning stories.

7 honorable mentions: you'll get visibility and bragging rights! Story links will be featured on next month’s announcement.

Contest ends on June 30, 2024 @ 11:59pm (GMT)

Any questions should be made below in the comments, within our discord, or a note on modmail.

Lots of great stories this month, congrats to May's winners in the comments below!

Pinnedby tasteofhemlockModeratordm4hemlocktea🍵recipe
[JUN24] We knew something was wrong when less and less kids were graduating from school, but we blamed it on the usual suspects such as teen pregnancy and phone addiction.

But now as countless children lay dying of thirst because they couldn't muster the care to get a drink of water, now dubbed 'terminal apathy', we realised the cause may be something else entirely.

by tinytabbytoebeans🐾Tiny Tale Teller🐾
I had been so excited for the apocalypse and the end of society.

As I slowly died of dehydration I just wish I had bought spare parts for the water filter rather than my second and third assault rifles.

"Open up! It's the police!" We yelled through the door to surprise the groom with a night out before his wedding...

But when we unlocked the door and walked in, we found him crying at his computer, wiping his harddrives frantically.

Growing up in the lower class, I’ve always stockpiled my food.

As the doctor told me there was nothing they could do, I realized why my mother never saved potatoes.

Child: "Daddy, if you love Mommy so much, why is she always in the basement?"

Dad: "Did you go down there? We don't go down there, baby."

The army kept their promise to return my husband to me in one piece.

Alongside a flag, I received a box with his little finger inside.

[JUN24] "Ugh, I can't believe she can't invite me to her graduation, stupid school rules!"

After sneaking in and seeing my best friend -- and many others -- laying still on the floor of the stage, I understood why no underclassmen were allowed invites to the graduations.

"What's the WiFi password?" I asked the sharply-dressed clerk at the check-in desk.

"Day you died," he replied nonchalantly, gesturing at the calendar hanging behind him with today's date circled in red.

[JUN24] After I tripped on stage and accidentally mooned my entire graduating class, I wished that we could just restart the day whenever we messed things up and get a chance at doing it right.

It turns out the odds of 8 billion people all having a good day simultaneously are actually pretty low, so it doesn't look like tomorrow is going to be coming any time soon.

by RaynaClayWho says words don’t hurt?
Tears welled up in my five year old eyes as I realized that Grandma had given my twin sister a birthday present and not gotten anything for me.

Twenty years later as she lay on her deathbed, her eyes full of fear, I leaned in close and whispered, "Thank you for showing a little boy how cruel the world could be, now let me show you all that I've learned since then."

The day after Joe got arrested for being drunk in public again, our commander told us we were going to march until our feet fell off.

I forget how long it's been since he had us start marching, but I just heard my metatarsal scraping on the pavement, so it can't be much longer until we can finally stop.

The old man next door would greet me every morning on my way to work, smiling warmly, offering me this or that that he'd cooked, and chatting about his kitten that he'd taken in.

I promised I'd take care of his kitten when he died, a promise I regretted now standing in his living room, looking down on the dead and decaying human corpse in its cage, cat ears and a tail nailed to its bones, piles of rotting cat food placed at its side.

‘Oh, Cornelius, you would not wear dog skin boots, so what makes them acceptable?’

The ape took his feet off the table, scoffing, ‘they were a barbaric species before the rise, and human leather is a precious commodity.’

[JUN24] The abductions began with small animals, like squirrels and lizards, but eventually graduated to livestock and even things like whales and elephants.

As the earth burned around us, humanity couldn't help but wonder when the aliens would return for us.

by RaynaClayWho says words don’t hurt?
It was such a bountiful harvest, we thought we had been blessed by God.

A year later, as our children pleaded and begged for their lives, many of us were too hungry to care what God thought of what we did next.

"Honey, I don't know the best way to tell you this, but I've been seeing someone."

"Usually just out of the corner of my eye, or in between blinks"

“I can take one of you instantly, the other must stay” stated the angel of death

I pushed my wife toward the light before I was plunged back into darkness with my lungs newly ablaze.

I was so proud of my first garlic harvest that I gifted jars of it to everyone in my family.

I’ve been having some difficulty swallowing lately, but it wasn’t until my mom went to the hospital for a stomach bug that I realized my mistake.

"Get in, I'll give you anything!" I screamed at the TV.

I never found who I'd invoked, but the childish laughter in the backyard stopped at the exact moment Tatum's game-winning three pointer rattled impossibly off the rim and went in.

"Oh thank god oh thank god," Sonia wept, clutching Sid's arms tight, hearing the wreckage below him groan as it tilted inexorably, then a sudden deadly silence as the car dropped through 4000 feet of air.

Sonia's prayers became a wordless scream as she hauled Sid over the cliff edge, and realized his lower body was still in the driver's seat.

As a prank om my friend I banged on his door shouting "police! We have you surrounded!!"

The gunshot I heard from inside made me think he didn't like the joke

Credit for this idea goes to u/DM_Me_For_Dog_Pics

i feel them, tiny little insects crawling underneath my skin.

i fight to get my diving suit off as i see the tiny insects inside my diving mask and feel them crawling around my lungs while my friends are screaming something about the bends.