And it’s dead code. Probably for the best lol

Amex Lounges are too overcrowded already

Of course I am.

They do. As they should.

I am both intelligent enough to know better than to be selfish, and a good enough person for this not to cause a problem for me. And in the rare instance it does, I understand and accept it was completely my fault.

Accountability is something I value, and a virtue I choose to identify with. If other people can’t say the same, then they deserve the hell they create for themselves.

This way of thinking is how we got our society overrun with illogical policies that simply sound good to the ear and feel good in our hearts, rather than make sense in our heads.

A person’s intent only matters if it’s malicious. But most people aren’t malicious, so this isn’t very useful.

Anything else, whether intentions were good or neutral, should be judged primarily based on possible outcomes weighted by their probabilities.

The outcome itself is what actually matters. The universe has a large degree of randomness to it (at least in an effective sense, given our lack of understanding), so judging solely on the outcome itself is unfair.

What IS fair, is an analysis of the logical process behind the decision. Some decisions are objectively more prudent than others from a probabilistic perspective.

Sometimes this analysis isn’t so black and white, but it’s usually pretty easy to tell when a given option just completely sucks.

For instance: if I ran a charity for the homeless, I might be well intentioned to just hand each homeless person I see $500 cash. They could buy food for themselves, clothes, a gym membership to shower, and get themselves presentable enough for a service job interview with that money.

But we all know that’s not how it would go. That $500 would go straight into their arm via a needle. The money is better spent on providing the facilities themselves directly to the people who need them.

My “hand everyone $500” strategy is well-intentioned, but it’s easy to see how unlikely it is to succeed. That’s why I’m a complete fucking idiot for doing it that way, despite how virtuous I feel about myself.

I completely agree.

But they can’t expect people to trust them in the future. Nor are they entitled to an opportunity to do better.

If you somehow wrong me, I am not obligated to give you a second chance to redeem yourself. If that means you’ll never have a chance to, then tough shit.

You just start eating more things. Eventually you’ll like them.

It’s really that simple.


When it comes to Purdue CS, getting a 3.0 is not very hard. Getting a 4.0 is

I followed the same path as you. Got the Chase Freedom Student card first, and then the Freedom Unlimited after about year. Back in December I opened the AMEX Gold card (I was 21). Back then my credit score was around 725, and now it’s up to 745.

The gold card has been great. As a college student, dining and groceries are pretty much the entirety of my expenses, so having 4x in those categories is super awesome.

I have 3 roommates at my apartment, and when we go grocery shopping I just pay with my gold card and have them Venmo me. Easy way to rack up a FUCK TON of MR points. Highly recommend it.

The Uber and GrubHub credits can definitely be made useful. Just place fast food orders for pickup through GruhHub and Uber Eats. You’ll lose about a dollar to the service fee, but it’s much better than not using them.

I agree with you — the gold card can be fantastic for college students like us. It just takes a little bit of consciousness to maximize the value.

No. Men want to feel important. Like our lives matter for something to someone.

It’s not about being “wanted” in a sense of “omg I want to fuck him so bad.”

It’s about being respected and recognized for our work. We want to hear “good job” more than we want to hear “put your dick in my mouth.”

I was dead for billions of years.

I will be dead for billions of years more.

If im here for 25 years or 100 years, what difference does it really make?

Reason for living: Why the fuck not?


Purdue has far less of the elitism than some other schools.

The Aerospace kids are the absolute worst, and most narcissistic about their major.

Everyone else isn’t as insecure. Never heard an industrial engineer brag about being in engineering.

There are some snotty CS people in the classes I’ve had, but those kids sit in their dorm room and play League of Legends with their 4chan friends over discord. You won’t ever run into them.


Stew libraries close at midnight. So does Hicks. WALC is the only 24/7 spot


There needs to be more 24/7 study locations. WALC is the only one, and while it’s a nice place, it’s not nearly big enough.

Old owner was probably a bartender and these are fakes he collected. That’s why they’re all different states, but all the DOBs are in the same range. And why they look so shit.

If my 6 year old isn’t compiling gentoo kernel modules from source then he’s dead to me.

Since when has Biden’s word ever meant a damn thing?

And it’s not like the kids running around NYC possess any type of innocence worth protecting anyways, lol

Lot of cope in these comments.


Nicotine itself is not harmful, and actually has been shown to have benefits when it comes to attention, and cognitive function (basically like caffeine)

The reason smoking is bad is because of all the other chemicals you’re inhaling in a cigarette. Vaping has lots of other chemicals that make it bad for you.

By far the least bad way is nicotine pouches (Zyns, etc), but they’re not good for your gums.