I don’t blame you with your indecision! It’s a huge risk to get in a relationship with a women these days, Marriage laws are undeniable written to protect women and rightly so. Think very very hard before you sign the marriage certificate since you will be signing away your half or more life in one day. With 50%+ divorce rates you want to make 10000% sure you are getting into bed with the right partner.

Can’t until kids are off to college. Practicing Gray rocking each day!

Married a Narcissist and had two kids with her!

What skills do I need to build web tools, also can you give an example of such a tool?

I wouldn’t suggest your getting a loan more than 3x your income. You got to eat and have a jacket on your back. Try finding job in lower cost of living or commute until then. It’s not your fault. It’s a combination of economic conditions and hyper capitalism. Work on saving 150k and then buy your house. But if you get in “approved” loan amounts, you will be a slave of banks and Uncle Sam for the next 30 years.

Make sure you are not only skin deep but also look for empathy and compassion in your future girlfriend. Think from your heart, brain and not only from what’s between your legs.

Have you tried reading a book called “No more Mr Niceguy”? Please read it atleast once and see if it is applicable to your situation. That book helped me tremendously to build very strong healthy and fulfilling bonds with all the men around me.

Don’t you know that you have 3 days to back of the mortgage you signed?… if you signed on Friday you have time till Wednesday. Please check with your RE attorney before making any changes.

Since its labeled as a vent, I assume you are not going to take any action for the miserable relationship you are in. I feel for you brother. Please know that anyone who values a husband just for the paycheck they bring in, does not deserve a husband. I hope you find better people who value you for your character and personality.

It’s not just your husband’s opinion… most judges and attorneys also think like him. As soon as divorce is on the table women fight for 100% legal and physical custody. Try to give him a legal contract that god forbid if ever there is a divorce you will not ask him more than 50% custody. If he doesn’t change after that, you have a looser at your hand if it changes then he is your golden boy.

Would it get weird with your friends if your husband came down and said ma’am? If not then you calling him sir is nothing to be ashamed of. Modern women cannot understand the difference between respect and submission. Mutual respect is one of the most critical part of a marriage. As long as sir/ma’am is mutual you have a very healthy relationship in my understanding

If you and your step daughter are pure at heart then it does not matter what your Ex thinks. Live an honest and honourable life then it does not matter who thinks what

It means you need to define your boundaries and hold them. Don’t let anyone walk over you for being a nice person including your wife.

Have more mentally intimate sex with him. Men bond very fast and strong with that. Soon you will be the addiction instead of stupid casino or vape. I believe in you and your love (emotional spiritual and physical) has the power to center him to the man you once adored.

How long you have been doing 4Js?

Why is no one supporting No-Cellphone zone in these schools? Governments spend millions to give iPads and Chromebooks. Why can’t they give Old school pagers to each child for emergency contact?

You have a very poor choice of friends! Wife or not this kind of conversation is outright vulgar and disrespectful for any decent human. Please find friends who are genuinely worth your friendship have some self respect and let go of this so called friend for good.

My parents live with me and they are ton of help during such situations. I have learned that living together and helping each other has been the best way to grow. Nuclear families don’t cut it anymore. Symbiosis!!!

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How does it matter? As I understand security is required 24/7 365.24 days a year

You are right! But I still had to stand in line for 25 mins. I showed my TSAPre on my boarding pass, which allowed me to keep my shoes on. They still asked me to remove my belt. DFW