My (33 F) baby in 9 months old. For the past 3 months she has stopped sleeping through the night and as a result husband/dad has been sleeping in the spare room during the week because he “has to work” in the morning. I am on maternity leave but will be returning to work in 1 month.

Initially this seemed ok but it has worn completely thin and I don’t know what to do. I am mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted from being a stay at home mum and feel like I’m working 24/7 as I also am doing all the night wakings by myself.

Do others do this? What is everyone else’s dynamic because husband thinks I’m in the wrong when I get frustrated with him complaining about being tired or not getting a good nights sleep and I think he’s being insensitive and selfish not realising he is getting far more rest then me and I’m also working hard?

EDIT: can I just say thank you to everyone who gave constructive and positive advice, it was very helpful. Husband and I have had a good talk about everything and he is going to start doing one night during the week and do Friday and Saturdays.