I’ve has great luck with their motherboards.

As for their monitors, yowza. 3 out of 4 were just bad. One of them literally didn’t even turn on, another died after one day, and the third one was absolutely riddled with dead pixels. Never again.

Ahh you’re right. In either case it’s sooooooo slooooow

omg my Surface Pro X w/ SQ3 is sooooo slooow, it’s basically e-waste

I logged in earlier today and my feed was 90% MAGA garbage. I’ve never liked a single MAGA post or given any indication I’m interested in any of that.

might need to run this by the folks in /r/scams

I just switch the in-Windows power setting between Best Power Efficiency, Balanced, and Best Performance based on what I need/want at the moment

I still have a huge unopened box of single ply that I ordered from Amazon. It was like winning the lottery back then, thankfully I didn’t actually need to use it.

I find that the time and stress involved in planning, packing, and the act of traveling itself (eg getting to the airport on time etc), dominates over the potential enjoyment of the trip itself. I won’t even bother if I’m the only one who’d be going.

Oh nice, I definitely had issues with Dark Souls 3 when I tried that so I didn’t even consider it for Elden Ring


Because it's actually less stressful than getting there too late, or with no time to spare and having to wait in the slow security line while having no control over whether you'll actually make your flight. Also because all sorts of unexpected things can happen to make the whole process take longer. What if you run into really bad traffic on the way there? What about construction detours that car/phone nav isn't aware of? What if you make a wrong turn? What if you forget something important, like your passport? All of these can and do happen, they're not niche scenarios.

Once you're there you can chill and read a book or scroll reddit or take a nap. Having empty free time is not stressful, even if you're just bored.

I’ve used 1-800-GOT-JUNK several times, it worked great. Once when I was moving to WA (they are in multiple states), another when I just had an absolutely enormous pile of cardboard and packing paper leftover from said move.

Slayer released an album called God Hates Us All … on 9/11. Obviously unintentional, but a wild coincidence.

A GPU can do an NPU’s job. It’s just not as power efficient, which is why you see the emphasis on NPU in the laptop/phone space.

Maybe they just changed how long each hour is, like by shortening how long one second is by 25%.

It’s a fantastic game especially with Saga

Control has done very well for them financially

Buy the dip. But don’t wait for the dip.

I’m not a fan of Samsung in general. Bad QC on their TVs, which have ads btw, and broken warranty service.

One of my best friends when I was growing up was a Mormon. It’s a cult.