I'm not voting for a genocidal old racist, either of them.

Outback steakhouse.

For real though, restaurant steak is not worth it unless you are paying more than $50. You want to get a steak from a butcher or grocery store that will cost $20-35. Don't get an organic grass fed steak you'll be paying more for a less delicious experience. Get a ribeye with lots of fat and a large cap.

Reverse sear. Salt and pepper, oven on a rack at 200, pull when the steak is 120, sear all sides on high in cast iron with vegetable oil. Add a pat of butter and a sprig of rosemary at the end. You should be setting off the smoke alarm, get that crust. Deglaze the pan with butter and red wine and cook some green beans and garlic in that shit, make it saucy and put that on some rice or bowties.

I'm pretty much all of those things but it's not my fault! I live in a society!

Still need a car when you have an apartment in 95% of places.

I went through so much because of the Costco 3 packs, I had to take a break from it. I haven't had a bottle of Tapatio in a while, going to grab one next when my Valentina runs out. Will pick up Louisiana or Texas Pete's when my Chrystal is out. Gotta rotate your tator juice.

It's a good sauce! Some people prefer others. I like to mix it up and keep this in the rotation. Besides Franks and Tabasco there aren't any big bottle sauces that I won't happily go through.

I remember reading this when I still visited the main reddit news subs and the comments were exactly as you would expect, not even thinly disguised racism.

I've been enjoying reading your comments. Consider writing a book or at least a blog. The way you explain and phrase these concepts is very accessible and well presented.

Go buy some drugs get to know your neighbors. A little crack never hurt anyone.

Gonna have some with my cheerios and pancakes today, maybe throw some in my yogurt.

Grass is fucking stupid and anyone who cares about someone else's grass is a boring idiot.