Consumer sentiment… has been bad… inflation causing less disposable income… high interest rates make credit card debt expensive… etc

Forecasts, look at their guidance. You can have a huge miss or a huge beat, but guidance is what affects price.

I actually like the concept of the first one - large tires, higher clearance, front wheels closer to the nose. Needs more room for bounce from springs off road though, so maybe avoid little smaller on the tires, but longer suspension to keep height.

I had to rent a Toyota last week - Camry or something - felt cheap as hell (plasticy and cheap cloth, poorly designed screen and interior) and surely was more expensive than my Mazda.

Why would anyone exercise a contract? Unless you plan to sell covered calls…

I yelled at a homeless woman last week peering into a car window, she fled. That was two weeks after some meth head tried to steal my gfs car, leaving an empty hole where the ignition used to be.

Where can we see the roll call with votes? Wanna see if my assemblyman voted yes despite my strongly worded email.

DV is annoying as hell, I only put up with his show to find out what happened when I just miss the end of the game and I’m in my car. Even that is too much for me.

Let me ask you this, because I've been pondering a 'safe' strategy: if it is a no-brainer to hold the index fund and it is almost impossible to beat it, why not instead hold SPY LEAPS - ITM or otherwise - and sell them on a pre-planned date far before expiry and buy further leaps on that same date. Then you are trading with all that extra leverage, but you are trading something considered 'safe' so while your swings may be bigger than holding shares, you'll end up tracking the overall trajectory of the S&P500?

Just checking if you are speaking from experience or just regurgitating what you read online.

Taxes? Missed gains? Would the premium even be worth it? Versus owning the actual contract in which you have leverage.

Unless OP believes NVDA could blow past 150, in which case he'd have to liquidate his shares and repurchase.

Hedge funds selling to go on vacation for the summer.

Be careful or I’ll make a note about you and accuse you of irrelevant shit in the future!

I supported the get rid of the 3rd party stuff, I left communities that were protesting - some I returned to. I always have deleted all my comments since way before the 3rd party stuff. Your note on me is wrong. I even participated in the Reddit IPO lol.

I feel the opposite way about men’s hiking shoes, where is the color? They are so boring.

You need a Dual Action polisher, polishing compound, and polishing pads.

Use a ‘heavy cut’ compound and heavy cut pad (NOT sandpaper) - look at videos of the technique. See how much improvement you can get with that.

If it doesn’t take it all the way out, you might need to hit it with some 3000 grit sandpaper by hand. NOT mechanical. You can burn through your clear coat of your aren’t careful.

The sandpaper will leave the paint cloudy, then you hit it with the da polisher and polishing compound and it’ll bring the shine back.

Work slowly and carefully, don’t burn through your paint, watch a lot of videos.

If rates are cut and the market tanks - ask yourself what was the reason they cut rates to begin with? Was it… plummeting gdp? A collapse in the housing market? Dangerous deflation?

Or did they just cut rates for fun and the market tanked because of it?

Enjoy the car, sounds like a fun little exchange, people are so serious online.