NTA , tell your parents you would be happy to change it, if only you had the money to do so. Tell them if it’s so important they or sister would have to pay, otherwise your not wasting the money you have saved for starting you life and own family together. If they don’t you won’t!! If they threaten not to come , tell them okay it’s their choice , but don’t think for a second that you will ever forgive or forget it!

NTA I would advise you to get someone to inspect ( keep an eye out) your house inside and out weekly just in case they cause damage out of spite.

Don’t buy the house. They got a tax credit when they got them but your gonna end up paying for them with no tax credit. They need to have poof it’s paid off before I would consider buying that home

NTA , drop the dead weight!! He obviously never cared!! Don’t worry about the haters, most are just jealous you got the balls to do what they wished they could have.

NTA! Rethink the marriage. She was cold as hell about her sister! It’s says a lot about a person’s character. Is this the future mother of your children, is that what you want?

This always blows up in people’s faces, and somebody will always be jealous of the other. Don’t believe me ask the “sister wives.”

Pork butt is awesome cut into pork steaks!! I only keep it whole if I’m smoking it.

Yah that last piece should have been butterflied to cook and look similar.

This, plus your town/ city might have a set back,like your fence must be a foot from the property line. My town has this. Look into it!

Looks like a good idea until the first person to jumps on top of the hood instead moving to the side. Then you’ll have a nice dent and possibly charges ? Hello police, I just got hit in a parking garage. I was just minding my own business and this crazy person came outta no where and hit me.

Yes indeed!! Totally forgot!!! Thanks!! I was little when I watched it and it scared the hell out of me especially the ankle part!

NTA, start looking for a job that you can take the bus to get to. Save as much as you can. If they took everything away what’s the motivation to listen to them. What more can they take/ ground you for? Or send them or show them this post, let them read for themselves how people see your mother’s actions.

No, not wrong. I had this happen to me last year and we called the insurance, and they said once limbs cross the property line it now their insurance company responsibility. As for the tree itself, they can’t do Jack. It’s on your property and is fine, they can’t prove there is anything wrong with it. Would suggest you install cameras incase they try to sabotage it.( like put copper nails in it, that usually kills trees)

My grandmother was in and out of hospice several times over the course of three years. Just because they think you might die doesn’t mean you will!! Sometimes people are stronger than you think!!

Grass fed! Super lean and the color of the fat gives it away!